Wyze Thermostat Compatibility (2024)


Power off your heating/cooling system.
Turn the system off using your home’s circuit breaker or the switch on your equipment.

\n \n

  • \n

    \n Wyze Thermostat Compatibility (1)\n

    Remove your existing thermostat cover.
    Remove any screws and pull the cover away from the wall.
  • \n \n

    \n \n

    \n \n '); e.find(".area-buttons .btn-primary").click(function() { $("html, body").animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, "slow"), h() }), i.html(e), v(0) }, h = function() { $("body").css({ background: "#fff" }); var e = $('\n


    Do you have a high voltage system?





    You will see a caution label or thick wires with wire nuts on most high voltage systems.


    \n Wyze Thermostat Compatibility (2)\n

    \n Help me out\n \n \n

    \n '); e.find(".area-back a").click(function() { return o = { highVoltage: 0, selectedTerminals: {} }, l(), !1 }), e.find(".area-buttons button").each(function(e) { var t = $(this); t.on("click", function() { var e = t.attr("data-val"); return o.highVoltage = e, $("html, body").animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, "slow"), f(["highVoltage"], function() { m() }), !1 }) }), i.html(e), v(1) }, m = function() { $("body").css({ background: "#fff" }); var e = $('\n

    What if I have a jumper wire?





    If you have a short wire connecting two terminals, please only select the terminal with a wire that goes to the wall.


    In this example, you should select Rc to check compatibility.


    \n Wyze Thermostat Compatibility (3)\n

    \n \n

    \n \n '); e.find(".area-back a").click(function() { return o = { highvoltage: 0, selectedTerminals: {} }, h(), !1 }), e.find(".area-buttons button").each(function(e) { var t = $(this); t.on("click", function() { var e = t.attr("data-val"); return o.highVoltage = e, $("html, body").animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, "slow"), f(["highVoltage"], function() { u() }), !1 }) }), i.html(e), v(2) }, u = function() { $("body").css({ background: "#f7fafc" }); var e = $('\n

    Select the terminals that have wires connected





    Look for the letters and numbers on your thermostat’s wall panel.


    \n \n

    \n I don\'t see all of my terminals\n Show fewer terminals\n


    \n \n


    \n '); e.find(".area-back a").click(function() { return o.selectedTerminals = {}, m(), !1 }); var s = $('
      '), n = e.find(".wrap-button"); $(d).each(function(e) { var t = this, n = t.key, a = []; t.size && a.push("item-size_" + t.size), t.isExtra && a.push("item-extra"); var r = $('\n
    • \n ').concat(t.label, "\n
    • \n ")); r.find("a").on("click", function() { var e = $(this); return o.selectedTerminals[n] ? (o.selectedTerminals[n] = null, e.removeClass("curr")) : (o.selectedTerminals[n] = t, e.addClass("curr")), !1 }), s.append(r) }), e.find(".area-buttons .link-terminals-all").on("click", function() { return e.addClass("section-terminals-all"), !1 }), e.find(".area-buttons .link-terminals-less").on("click", function() { return e.removeClass("section-terminals-all"), !1 }), e.find(".area-buttons .btn-next").on("click", function() { n.removeClass(".button-error"); var e = 0; for (var t in o.selectedTerminals) o.selectedTerminals[t] && e++; return 3 <= e ? ($("html, body").animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, "slow"), f(["highVoltage", "selectedTerminals"], function(e) { p(!0, { groups: e }) })) : n.addClass("button-error").find(".txt-error").html("* There are usually 3-6 terminal wires."), !1 }), e.find(".area-terminals").append(s), i.html(e), v(3) }, p = function(e) { if ($("body").css({ background: "#fff" }), v(4), e) { a("event", "thermostatCheck", "true"); var t = $('\n

      Congrats! Wyze thermostat is compatible with your home.



      \n Wyze Thermostat Compatibility (4)\n

      \n Buy Now\n

      \n ') } else { a("event", "thermostatCheck", "false"); t = $('\n

      Wyze Thermostat is not compatible with your system.





      We\'re sorry! Wyze Thermostat is not compatible with your system.


      \n Wyze Thermostat Compatibility (5)\n


      Feel unsure about your result and want a second opinion?
      Reach out to our support team.


      \n \n
      \n ') } t.find(".area-back a").click(function() { return o.selectedTerminals = {}, u(), !1 }), i.html(t) }, f = function(e, t) { var n = !0, a = "", r = [], s = { highVoltage: function() { return o.highVoltage < 0 ? { result: !1, detail: "Wyze Thermostat is not compatible with high-voltage systems" } : { result: !0 } }, selectedTerminals: function() { var e = o.selectedTerminals; return g(e) } }; $(e).each(function() { var e = s[this](); e.result ? e.terminalsToPick && (r = e.terminalsToPick) : (n = !1, a = e.detail) }), n ? t(r) : p(!1, { err: a }) }, function() { $("body").css({ background: "#f0f4f7" }), s.attr("class", "section-checker section-checker-start"); var e = $('\n

      Compatibility Checker



      This tool will help you determine if Wyze Thermostat is compatible with your system.


      This usually takes less than 3 minutes to complete.


      \n Wyze Thermostat Compatibility (6)\n

      \n \n

      \n '); e.find(".area-buttons .btn-primary").click(function() { $("html, body").animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, "slow"), l() }), i.html(e) }(), c.each(function(e) { $(this).on("click", function() { return e < r && (0 === e ? (o = { highVoltage: 0, selectedTerminals: {} }, l()) : 1 === e ? (o = { highvoltage: 0, selectedTerminals: {} }, h()) : 2 === e ? (o.selectedTerminals = {}, m()) : 3 === e && (o.selectedTerminals = {}, u())), !1 }) }) }, { "./checkerBranches/main": 6, "./terminals": 9 }], 2: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; var s = e("./tools"); e("./branchMergeHum"), e("./pickTerminal"); t.exports = function(e) { var t = s(e), n = t.filterUnselected(["hum", "h2", "dhum", "d", "e", "star", "w3", "accplus", "accminus"]), a = t.filterUnselected(["g", "g2", "gl", "gh", "gm", "f"]), r = []; return 1 < a.length && r.push(a), 1 < n.length && r.push(n), { result: !0, terminalsToPick: r } } }, { "./branchMergeHum": 2, "./pickTerminal": 7, "./tools": 8 }], 3: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; var a = e("./tools"), r = e("./branchMergeHum"); t.exports = function(e) { var t = a(e); return 0 < t.count(["x", "x2", "c"]) ? (console.log("branchMergeHum"), r(e)) : 0 === t.count(["y"]) ? { result: !1, detail: t.generalErrorMsg } : 0 === t.count(["g", "g2", "gl", "gm", "gh", "f"]) ? { result: !1, detail: t.generalErrorMsg } : (console.log("branchMergeHum"), r(e)) } }, { "./branchMergeHum": 2, "./tools": 8 }], 4: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; var a = e("./tools"), r = e("./branchMergeXC"); t.exports = function(e) { var t = a(e); return 1 === t.count(["o", "ob"]) ? 1 === t.count(["y"]) ? (console.log("branchMergeXC"), r(e)) : { result: !1, detail: "Heat pump requires Y1" } : 0 < t.count(["w", "w2", "y"]) ? 0 === t.count(["y"]) && 1 === t.count(["y2"]) ? { result: !1, detail: "Y2 cannot be used if Y,Y1 is not" } : (console.log("branchMergeXC"), r(e)) : { result: !1, detail: "No heating and no cooling" } } }, { "./branchMergeXC": 3, "./tools": 8 }], 5: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; var a = e("./tools"), r = e("./branchMergeHum"), s = e("./branchMergeXC"); t.exports = function(e) { var t = a(e); return 1 === t.count(["o", "ob"]) ? 1 === t.count(["c"]) ? { result: !1, detail: t.generalErrorMsg } : 1 === t.count(["y"]) ? r(e) : { result: !1, detail: "Heat pump requires Y1" } : 1 === t.count(["c"]) ? 1 === t.count(["y"]) ? s(e) : { result: !1, detail: "Heat pump requires Y1" } : 0 < t.count(["w", "w2", "y"]) ? 0 === t.count(["y"]) && 1 === t.count(["y2"]) ? { result: !1, detail: "Y2 cannot be used if Y,Y1 is not" } : r(e) : { result: !1, detail: "No heating and no cooling" } } }, { "./branchMergeHum": 2, "./branchMergeXC": 3, "./tools": 8 }], 6: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; var a = e("./tools"), r = e("./branchNoB"), s = e("./branchYesB"); t.exports = function(e) { var t = a(e); return 0 < t.count(["others"]) ? { result: !1, detail: t.generalErrorMsg } : 0 === t.count(["r", "rc", "rh"]) ? { result: !1, detail: t.generalErrorMsg } : 1 < t.count(["r", "rc"]) ? { result: !1, detail: t.generalErrorMsg } : 1 < t.count(["o", "ob"]) ? { result: !1, detail: t.generalErrorMsg } : 1 === t.count(["b"]) ? (console.log("branchYesB"), s(e)) : (console.log("branchNoB"), r(e)) } }, { "./branchNoB": 4, "./branchYesB": 5, "./tools": 8 }], 7: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; t.exports = function(e) { var t = $('\n




      We can only support one of the following terminals.




      \n \n



      \n '); $(e).each(function() { var e = $('
        '); $(this).each(function() { e.append("\n
      • \n ').concat(this.label, "\n
      • \n ")) }), t.find(".wrap-list").append(e) }), $("body").append(t) } }, {}], 8: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function a(t, e) { var n = Object.keys(t); if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { var a = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(t); e && (a = a.filter(function(e) { return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, e).enumerable })), n.push.apply(n, a) } return n } function r(t) { for (var e = 1; e < arguments.length; e++) { var n = null != arguments[e] ? arguments[e] : {}; e % 2 ? a(Object(n), !0).forEach(function(e) { s(t, e, n[e]) }) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(t, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(n)) : a(Object(n)).forEach(function(e) { Object.defineProperty(t, e, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(n, e)) }) } return t } function s(e, t, n) { return t in e ? Object.defineProperty(e, t, { value: n, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0 }) : e[t] = n, e } t.exports = function(n) { return (n.x || n.c) && (n = r({}, n, { x: { label: "X or X1", key: "x", isExtra: !0 }, c: { label: "C", key: "c", isExtra: !1 } })), (n.f || n.g) && (n = r({}, n, { g: { label: "G or G1", key: "g", isExtra: !1 }, f: { label: "F", key: "f", isExtra: !0 } })), (n.y || n.m) && (n = r({}, n, { y: { label: "Y or Y1", key: "y", isExtra: !1 }, m: { label: "M", key: "m", isExtra: !0 } })), { count: function(e) { var t = 0; return $(e).each(function() { n[this] && t++ }), t }, filterUnselected: function(e) { var t = []; return $(e).each(function() { n[this] && t.push(n[this]) }), t }, generalErrorMsg: "It looks like your system will not work with Wyze Thermostat" } } }, {}], 9: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; t.exports = [{ label: "AUX or AUX1", key: "aux", isExtra: !1, size: 2 }, { label: "C", key: "c", isExtra: !1 }, { label: "E", key: "e", isExtra: !1 }, { label: "G or G1", key: "g", isExtra: !1 }, { label: "O/B", key: "ob", isExtra: !1 }, { label: "R", key: "r", isExtra: !1 }, { label: "Rc", key: "rc", isExtra: !1 }, { label: "Rh", key: "rh", isExtra: !1 }, { label: "W or W1", key: "w", isExtra: !1 }, { label: "W2", key: "w2", isExtra: !1 }, { label: "Y or Y1", key: "y", isExtra: !1 }, { label: "Y2", key: "y2", isExtra: !1 }, { label: "ACC+", key: "accplus", isExtra: !0 }, { label: "ACC-", key: "accminus", isExtra: !0 }, { label: "AUX2", key: "aux2", isExtra: !0 }, { label: "B", key: "b", isExtra: !0 }, { label: "D, Dh, Dhum or Dehum1", key: "d", size: 2, isExtra: !0 }, { label: "Dh2, Dhum2 or Dehum2", size: 2, key: "dhum", isExtra: !0 }, { label: "F", key: "f", isExtra: !0 }, { label: "GH", key: "gh", isExtra: !0 }, { label: "GL", key: "gl", isExtra: !0 }, { label: "G2 or G3", key: "g2", isExtra: !0 }, { label: "GM", key: "gm", isExtra: !0 }, { label: "H, Hum or Hum1", key: "hum", size: 2, isExtra: !0 }, { label: "H2 or Hum2", key: "h2", isExtra: !0 }, { label: "L", key: "l", isExtra: !0 }, { label: "M", key: "m", isExtra: !0 }, { label: "O", key: "o", isExtra: !0 }, { label: "PEK", key: "pek", isExtra: !0 }, { label: "S, S1 or S2", key: "s", isExtra: !0 }, { label: "T", key: "t", isExtra: !0 }, { label: "V", key: "v", isExtra: !0 }, { label: "VR", key: "vr", isExtra: !0 }, { label: "W3", key: "w3", isExtra: !0 }, { label: "X or X1", key: "x", isExtra: !0 }, { label: "X2", key: "x2", isExtra: !0 }, { label: "*", key: "star", isExtra: !0 }, { label: "Others", key: "others", isExtra: !0 }] }, {}] }, {}, [1]);})// ]]>
        Wyze Thermostat Compatibility (2024)


        Can I use a Wyze Thermostat without a C wire? ›

        Does the Wyze thermostat need a C-wire? You don't need a C-wire (common wire), but if your system doesn't need a C-wire, you'll need a G and Y-wire.

        How to factory reset Wyze Thermostat? ›

        Factory reset the thermostat and set it back up like new.
        1. Press and hold the control wheel for 10 seconds.
        2. The thermostat will display a question. Turn the wheel to select Yes then press the control wheel to reset.
        3. Walk through setting up the device like new in the Wyze app, including redoing the wiring.
        Mar 3, 2023

        How do I reconnect my Wyze Thermostat to my network? ›

        Presents as: The thermostat is showing offline status in the Wyze app.
        1. Make sure your app is up to date.
        2. Force close your app.
        3. Power cycle the thermostat by turning the breaker off for about 30 seconds, and then turn it back on.
        4. Perform a factory reset, and then set it up again.
        5. Reboot your router.
        Aug 4, 2021

        Why is my Wyze Thermostat not turning on my furnace? ›

        Troubleshooting: Turn the power to your HVAC system off. Ensure that the Rc and C wires are connected securely to Wyze Thermostat and the control board. If there's an extra wire on the thermostat and no C wire, verify if the extra wire is connected to the C terminal on the control board.

        What is the alternative to the C wire adapter? ›

        If there is no hidden C-wire, you can use a G-wire instead. However, you will not be able to use your fan independently when the heating or cooling isn't running.

        What if thermostat has no place for C wire? ›

        Add an Adapter

        Some smart thermostats include an adapter in case there's no C-wire in your home. You can also find thermostat adapters at a hardware store or online. If you have previous electrical experience, you can follow the instructions included with the adapter to install it.

        Does Wyze Thermostat work without WiFi? ›

        Yes, it will continue working as usual.

        If your internet connection goes out, Wyze Thermostat will keep operating based on the last updated schedule.

        What is the away mode on the Wyze Thermostat? ›

        "With Auto Switch enabled, your Home and Away temperature status will change automatically. Using your phone's location, along with a 3-mile geofenced range, your thermostat will switch between your Home and Away preferences whenever you enter or leave that range. Your Wyze Thermostat also has a built in motion sensor.

        What does factory resetting a thermostat do? ›

        Press and hold the reset button for 5-10 seconds until the display goes blank. This clears any customized settings and restores factory defaults. Reprogram the thermostat settings like clock, temperature, and schedule. Test the thermostat to ensure it works properly.

        Why is Wyze not connecting? ›

        Forget all Wi-Fi networks, restart your phone/tablet, then reconnect to your 2.4 GHz network. On Android: In the Settings app, tap General management or System, tap Reset or Reset Options > Reset Network Settings. Confirm the reset. On iOS: In the Settings app, tap General > Reset > Reset Network Settings.

        What happens if I restart my Wyze Thermostat? ›

        To reset your Wyze Thermostat, hold down the control wheel on your unit for 10 seconds. Once this is done, your thermostat will cycle on and off before prepping itself for installation. Keep in mind that this process is irreversible and will result in the loss of all your settings and data.

        How do you reset a stuck Wyze Thermostat? ›

        To reset your Wyze Thermostat, press and hold the control wheel for 10 seconds. Then set up your thermostat like new using the Wyze Thermostat Setup Guide.

        Why is my thermostat not communicating with my furnace? ›

        The thermostat may have a dead battery, so replace them with fresh ones and try again. Your furnace may turn on right away after this. If it doesn't, you may have a faulty power circuit. Have an HVAC professional diagnose this issue, and provide you with professional recommendations.

        Why is my thermostat unresponsive? ›

        If the thermostat's display is dark, a lack of power may be the issue. Try replacing the batteries, then check for a blown fuse or tripped breaker in the electrical panel. If the thermostat is still unresponsive, make sure the breaker is shut off and remove the cover.

        Can I run a smart thermostat without C wire? ›

        #1 Option – Do Nothing At All – The good news is that all smart thermostats don't require a C-wire. Some can work equally well without them. However, the claim is slightly misleading because, in these cases, the thermostat draws the necessary power for its screen and Wi-Fi capabilities by stealing power.

        Will the Wyze switch work without neutral wire? ›

        No, you must have a neutral wire.

        Wyze Switch only works if a neutral wire is connected to it. If you do not have a neutral wire, Wyze Switch will not work for you.

        Do I need to use the C wire on my thermostat? ›

        Most smart thermostats today that are Wi-Fi enabled or have a color touch screen may require constant power through a thermostat C wire. This ensures your thermostat has a continuous flow of power to function properly.


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        Author: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

        Last Updated:

        Views: 6131

        Rating: 4.6 / 5 (46 voted)

        Reviews: 85% of readers found this page helpful

        Author information

        Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

        Birthday: 2001-01-17

        Address: Suite 769 2454 Marsha Coves, Debbieton, MS 95002

        Phone: +813077629322

        Job: Real-Estate Executive

        Hobby: Archery, Metal detecting, Kitesurfing, Genealogy, Kitesurfing, Calligraphy, Roller skating

        Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.