The Guardian from London, Greater London, England (2024)

THE MANCHESTER GUARDIAN, TUESDAY, AUGUST 14, 1888. COMMERCIAL INTELLIGENCE. board the Flertwood steamer Duke of (vT which ii ut piesent carrying pMsenp of Man. The vessel had Set M2 Rey -ft. fallen Indian Consolidated, new Jimma Silver, Ooregum Gold, and ditto preference Vr Tmeghafhs and Telephones.

Sinn Cuba preferred J. Tbamwaxs and Omnibus. Hisen Glasgow Tramways, Union, and Wolverhampton each, gallons less. again steadily going to the bad this year, the total falling-off for the seven months being 141,720 gallons and if we deduct the increase ia the clearances of Spanish red wine which, in spite of the falling off last month, still show a gain of 16,087 gallons for the seven months, it will be seen that the Spanish wine trade as a whole has contracted this year, so far as the clearances indicate, to the COailtfERCIALMARKETS. MANOHESTJEB, Mo.vday, Aoqdst 13.

There is a moderate ainonnt of inquiry for India staples, and also for shirtings for China, and a fair proportion of it has been put through. For most other descriptions of goods the inquiry is rather slow, and buyers continue to act cautiously, ana yei the sales of some kinds have reached a respectable amount. Most mates of heavy cloths are qmto dull, For yarns there is a poor demand, and sellers who sought slightly to improve prices vnentne cotton market was excited last week are now somewhat easier to deal with. On the whole, prices show no appreciable change in either the cloth or tbe yarn departments. The London quotation for bar silver advanced j'id.

to-day to 42d. per ounco, Itoxican dollars remain at 41d, per ounce, but without inquiry, lloth Calcutta and Bombay quoted Is. dd. per rupee far transfers, and outward rates on both Mia and China were the same as by last post. The market for rupee papor was quiet at 67 for the Four per Canta and jwO'JJ for the Four and a Half per Cents.

The Four per Cents in India were quoted Jls.lOOlJ, Four months sight bank bills from China are quoted Ss. OJd. per dollar in Hong Kong and 4a, 2Jd. to 4s. per tael in Shanghai.

Outward Bates upon India. 69 days. SO days. Demind. Document bills Is.

3jd. Is. 3jd. Is, 4d. Bank bills Is.

4fVd- 'id- Is- ftd- AaERICANli STATISTICS, RKOELPH AT OOT'l'UP STATES PORTS, im-i. U8H. IBB nir- lisle. to Aug. 10 6,513,700.

.5,370,000 Of whioh last week 9,900.. 7,300.. 6,700 August 11 August V2 and 13. August 14 August IS August 16 August 17 Total this Interior toirna last week EXPORTS 1,700.. 4,800..

1,000. 1,000.. 1,200.. 3,100.. 1,400.

1,000 2,000 1,300 000 1,100 1,401) 9,700. 8,000 2,500.. 1,500.. 2,000 AKD STOCKS. SSMEMBKK 1 10 AUGUST 10.

Salas. Ualoi. Dstsi. lOTI- lsSa-7. 18J5-J.

EiportsGt.Britain 2,815,000. ,2,041,000. .2,014,000 Continent 1,787,000, .1,009,000. ,1,738,000 Stocks 105,003.. 133,000..

205,000 interiot 41,000 THE AMERICAN COITON MARKET. (BIT' CAULK.) (FBOM OUR OWH OOnBESPONDBNI.) KKW YOEK, IIOSBAT, Futures opened lower, but quickly rallied and olosed steady. There was heavy buying for August, It is believed that the "corner" in this month's contract continues. The sales to-day for future delivery amounted to 37,000 hales. Futures have advanced at New Orleans, At Galveston cottoa on tlie spot is c.

higher. Weather reports are to tho effect that in the Eastern Gulf States there have been light rains, In Texas the drought is becoming serious. Receipts aro large at the Northern ports, the gross at New York amounting to 7,135 bales, Ihs follotriag inlormationis derived from official sources: Nsw Toes, Mosdat. The Washington Signal Service Bureau, in the weekly report on tho crop and weather, says: The rainfall in the cotton regions is lowet this week, that of the Mississippi Yalley not being of sullicient volume to remove the indications of drought previously reported from that section, and the crop is still sultering generally from want of rain, Clear weather continues in the Golf States, but the Atlantic is still cloudy, and slightly, warmer, with average temperatures of 81 and 82 degrees KSTMctivcIv.againsteiii and SO degrees on baturuay. A dull tone rules on this spot market, with a small inquiry from home apinners, Importers last week took bales, and 1,400 bales were pur chased for home manufacture, these not ported officially at the time, (ialvoston has gained lo, and Savannah ic Other Southern markets are unchanged.

Futures at tho tint call were firm at 3 points advance on previous rates, aud after a fairly dis tributed bufiiness on earlier and middle positions, iiaal rates rare points better for current month and 1 to 3 points for nest season months, with a very steady market. Receipts at ports, 4,800: interior, 100; exports, Ureat Ucitain, Continent, Malls. Alltiaunr. nDotjaarKBU. 'lorn.

ftMlar. Erar. dir. Sew York Dull Galveston Steady Ufr 101 10J 10 200... 10J 10 100.., 10i lil 200...

10J 400... 10? 10 fitcsdy Mobile Quiet 101 10 101 10 10i 10 10i lOfj Savannah Firm Charleston Quiet florfolk Steady Memphis Steadv St. Louis Steadj- Augusta Quiet hut Exchange, Kew York, Commercial 4843 urloans, 4't bog receipts in the West. The cash business was small, but the close is firm at rates 2 points down to 6 points up. Sales, 1,000 tierces.

Ana. Stp. Oct. Nor. See.

Jrni. Feb. Voir Ihlsday M0 8-42 8-72 S-10 rrerioua nay i COFFEE Opened steady at a partial fall of 5 points, and after moderate fluctuations it weakened on bulls" unload-sg, and closes barely steady. The demand was principally in distant positions, and final rates are unchanged to ZO points aown. solas, 32,000 tags, atscks at United States ports, 22500 bags; warehouse deliveries, 45,000 bags.

rf1iS'iS9i at lm- J- -F Tills 11-00 10-la 9-9S 9'SS 9'tS S'BS 9'90 10'CO 10-00 Irev, day, H-(S 10-5 10-15 8-95 9-55 10-00 lO'lO 10-10 10-10 H10 ds jAsrtno, Satdodat. The coffee market here is firm, but Santos is flat Exchange on London has advanced to 26d. Receipts here aro 16,000 bags; stocks, 184,000 begs. ThovteeVs purchases for Europe vera 28,000 bags and for the United ataies Saturn tags, witii clearances of 31,000 and 63,000 bags respectively. Receipts at Santos, 3,000 tags; stocks, 95100 hags.

purchases for Europe were 15,000 bags and for the United States 2,000 bags, with clearances of 40,000 and 3,000 bags respectively. New Yobs, Mokdat. SUGAIt Is steady, with a moderate demand. Tlits ttav, Hair, fair reftalruj SAc. 5Ae.

BeSocil, granulated 75o TALtOtV BuIqs firm, with a fair business. Sales, Ms day. Prev.iliiy Prima city Iftc. fftc. JISTAIS.

Copper is barely steady and the market is against sailors. Tin is now unsettled and weaker. Plates are in fair request at steady prices. Fig iron Is moderately active at full rates. Steel roils are in average demand.

This day. Copper, Beptember delivery. 15-65 16-65 to 16-15 Tin, Btralts 19-00 19-15 Tiiiulates, l.O. ctmrcoal 5-20 5-20 Pigirou, Coltnesa 19-59 W'0 Bttetralla at tide-water S0-5S SO'88 FREIGHTS Arc firm, with a moderate enquiry for grain room. Ttihda)-, Prat, day LwontoLTOrpooi-atcam fW itu.

Grain lo id Grain to LonJra-steam Id 4d. Coast fur orders 4a. 11 3d. "Petroleum tu OXor xvr steamers. TtlkPESriXE firm, Sew York This day.

35c. Peer, day ttc Steady at 1-02J. mBomnr. Refined is steady, with a light demand. Certificates aro weak owing to boar manipulation.

Talsday. Mneil, 70 percent, Kew York Tiie Frev. day nv. 151V. 6Ke.

97c. MEUUUU. iVWrcmiL.llllUtaelTjlifa Orude, 6Kc Cbrtillcatea, JJittu, nienesc Ditto, lowest Ditto, closing 'Ditto, sales E5Jfc 590,099 49.000 40,009 87,090 (9,000 Pipe line runs Shipments from ult regions Stock ana Oil Exchanges, II 010711, Monday. wheat Isfcto jc. down, Cart.

Auj. Sep. Oit. Nov. D.

Ian. Year. Thlsday EBJ.j 81 6314 S4tf Pruvious day 8Sja 4Ji 84 S4i CUICAOO, MOSJDAV. WHEAT Was firm and jc. higher at the first call, and improved, but gave way.on the visible supply exhibit, and closes easy at a decline of Jc.

to c. Aaj. sop. Ort. Sov.

Use. Ion. Kali. Mr thlsday S3 3 S4I; B5ii 62Ji ii ay, WK MAIZE Was Jc. down at the.

opening on freer movement from the interior, but closes steady at rates e. up to gc down. Aug. Sep. Oct.

Nov. fier. Jan. May. Year Tills (lay 43)1 fHi 43i 40ft Previous day 44 i 41 Wi OATS Ate ic.

to Jc. down, hut steady in tone. Au (lAn. Kov. Dee.

Thlsday, 21 J5 21J4 rreviousoay a ift Wot 5 points higher when tit* market opened, but was iriSuencdd by the grain market, and closes steady with values Sl points up to 2 points down. 1 Aue, Sip. 0ft, Kov. Dee, in. Tear This day 8-55 SUJJJ l'624 7S2J4 rrevtous ciay vufi a-es a-eu 7-as r-w ribs Hove been in average request, and close steady, but at a nominal decline.

auk. Sept. Oct. Nov. IXie.

Jan. Fen. Year. Thlsday. 6-C5 8-C5 8-05 6'JO Prerlousduy S-WJi S-07Ji S-07K 6-SO roes Has been in moSerate demand, and closes steady, but values ate 5 to 10 points lower.

Aug. Svpt. Uet. Nor. Deo.

Jan. Year, Itilsdat- 13'40 13-40 13-40 I2'5 13-59 13-59 13-50 1Z-70 BACON Rules dull at nominal values. Hogs are 5 points up. rm-iuts. Ilctit lliclud-fisarf Western intr lioits.

eltks. Cbicai-o 15.CW 1D.0E0 Clear mfiidle. Halves, Tills day num. Previous day, num. Uilit 6-2(1 CIS C-15 15,000 (M C0MEBCIAL AND FINANCIAL NOTES We have received from the author, Scnor S.

Valentin Mariana Albiol, Itead of the Custom-house of Alicante, a copy of a new work entitled Orgoniiocion del Personal da Adunnas on Varias Xociones Extranjeros." The work is the first of its kind in Spain, and deals with tho Customs Ibws, regulations, procedure, in Eng land, France, Belgium, Italy, and Portugal Its main object is apparently to afford information which may be useful ia promoting administrative reforms in tlie Spanish Customs. It is remarkable that the American Treasury continues to succeed in getting its silver, or at least tiie equivalent in certilicah'S, into circulation. Thus, notwithstanding tlie constant addition ot 2,000,000 silver dollars per month to tho coinage, the net amount of gold bald by tbo extant of about 125,000 gallons. "At first sight," observe Messrs, Bidley and in their monthly Wine. and Sptnt Trtie Circular, "this appears to be mora disastrous than it really is, for on referring to the Trade and Navigation Returns of the previous two years we find that in July, 1837, the home consumption of Spanish white was abnormally groat, being no less than 50,403 gallons ahead of the same month in 1385.

So that, bad as last month appears to have been, it was at least better than the corresponding one of 1S3S." Wines from countries other than those enumerated have, with a gain for the month of 27,259 gallons, been not only able to wipe off the deficit winch stood against them at tlio end of June, hut to show an increase of 13,766 gallons for tho expired portion of 1S8B. On the whole, wines show a total incroase for July of 48,134 gallons, end for the seven months one gallons. 4 railway project of considerable importance, for Russia In particular and for the grain trade generally, will, tho Russian papers state, be realised in the near future. For some time past efforts have been made to utilise the waterways of Siberia in order to provide on outlot for its produce to the Western markets. The Nor- dimskjold expedition demonstrated the impossibility of carrying on any regular traffic by WBy of the Arctic Ocean.

It is now proposed to overcome the difficulty by connecting tlie Obi with a harbour to the west of the island of Vaigatz, and the Russian Government has ap proved of this scheme for tho most nortlierly railway in the world. The projector's intention is to carry tho road in such a 'direction that it will avoid tho mouth of the Obi, the Obi hay, the Ynlmal peninsula, and the Sea of Kara, which present the greatest difficulties for naviga tion. The starting point of the line (which will be about 270 miles long) will be at Obdorsk, and the termination at a port to be constructed on one of the hays of tlie Vaigatz Sea, where it will bo protocted from dangerous weather by the mountain ndgo P.n-Klitii. The construc tion will not present any serious difficulties, owing to tlie level nature of the country and tlie abundance of wood. The line is estimated to cost about or, includ ing the port, rolling stock, and barges, about 2,000,000.

It is anticipated that the amount ot grain ex. ported by tit* new route will reach 9375,000 cwt. At present the produce of the region travels from Barnaul through Tumou, Perm, and St, Petersburg to London, taking three months in tbe journey. With tiie opening cf the new route, however, tire journey will only occupy from twenty-one to thirty-one days. Tho cost ot transport will sIsd be diminished by one-half.

Western Siberia alone produces about 12,000,000 cwt of wheat, and it is stated that this quantity might be easily doubled. It seems not improbable that sliould an outlet be thus provided for Siberian produce, a fall in the price of wheat will adversely affect the agricultural interests of Russia in Europe. Tho Melbourne correspondent of the Irommvjer, cabling under date August 9, slates that several furtlicr reductions in selling values have taken place during the last fortnight, galvanised iron fencing wire and Scotch pig being each 5s. easier. For the time of the year tbe general volume of trade Is still considered good, but a further decline in prices can scarcely be averted unless consignments ore rcstucteu.

irA30HE5TER FAT PIG MARKET. supply at this market. Trade sluw. first-class pigs, 9s. second-class, Es.

to 8s. third-class, It, to Ts. Sal. per 201b. IKNEFORD'S MAGNESIA.

Tills pure Solution Is lee test iroidr for AcEdLir of tfifl Slomadi, Ueanbum, neuscuff, tiout, situ maleestlBtt. DINNEFOKD'S MAGNESIA. Tho safest aud most gentle spsrlent for dslleats eooniiuuons, iauisi, uiuaren, ana inianu, Bond-strett, London, sad all Cbsottsts. "CEco*kUS. JUDICAT ORBIS TERRA RUM, POLIIKABIS, OL "TH UCKH or TABLE Tf ATSB9, Tbt fllllapatttiaAtturuu-ls Spring during tbsytarlstf amounted to 11, 00 UOTTLZ9.

jWS'S COCOA FOR BREAKFAST. CSLU'IEFtTL and COMFOUTllSU D01LLSO WATER BOILING UlLK. NOTICE. Tbo Alanchtiter Guardian is Jus it Euiton Station. London each day ul i.m,, aaa may be imrchuoa at ma ii)Lg wing Aifii.KcfjL UISE0I ftUQUE VL D.t menace EiisTurd Uurtict, 12 and 11, Catlierineitreet, Slnud.

W. If. Everett id Sou. 13a. HalliburvSauire.

KlKUtrtit, E.O, Everett anil Sou, 17, Uoyal Kictmnuu Fligi. CotoliEIJ, 11. lirnvut, 11, Kinttreet, ChMpiltlu, EC, II Locke, 5, Kietsrttnet, Slnrid, WX'. Yi. II.

Smith anii son, ukitBLU, nuiion square, sr. rancruij iiiai; urotu, ana uiutnn Ainvay iaitiwiii. THE GUAKDIAlV. UAKCHESTEB, TUESDAY, AUGUST 14, 1383. SOJIMAltlf OF NEWS.

DQJIESTIO. Tha House of Commons concluded its labour! jester jay so far as the business to be taken before tbe Holidays was ooncerueu, uuu, iu uoi a surprising, tho final sitting was not free from a display of that spirit which has made the recent session one somewhat fruitful in scenes. The contest, such as it was, arose out of the Mortmain and Charitable Uses Act, Mr, E. IOBBIiTSO accusing tho Government of having, in express disregard of a decision of the House of Commons earlier in the vear accepted on Saturday one of tho Lords' amend-' rv.n.,i n.fni menus wnicu cabuiiim uvb6v, v.v., from the operation of tbo Act. Mr.

W. If. Sumi made an excuse, the effect of which was that the Government wore pioceo yi me posiiiun ot enuur. accepting the amendment or losing the bill, but thst did not satisly tho hon. mouther for Dundee, who threatened to take the first opportunity in tbo autumn session moving to disincorporate Kcbla College altogether.

Mr. IlWw.1, said he would at the earliest possible moment move the repeal of the clause objected to, and linrs Kodebts indignantly charged the Government with having been guilty oi a picas ui vaiy jik-tiee." Other members joined in deprecating tha course which had been taken, All this took place nn a. motion bv Mr, W. L. acksos for tha adjourn ment of the House, which, after Sir TV.

Laivsos assured that any designs entertained by Baron De TVobms upon the price of sugar could not be carried out without discussion in tbe House, ma carried. The House adjourned until the that November 6. The House of Lords met yesterday for the time before the onenini? of tbe autumn session, the only business which occupied the attention peers was tbe giving tne itoyai assent oy coin-mission to 19 Acts of Parliament. On the motion nf tha Duke of Rutland, their Lordships ad' join-tied at a quarter past two o'clock until Tuesday, iwemuer The leeal woeeedines which have been com- bv Mr. 1'AnnETj, aeainBt the Timu have last and of LIVERPOOL OOITON 4MARREr, Foub o'clock.

The trade demand to-day has been very moderate, and the easier tendency noticed on Saturday has made further progress. An official reduction of ftd. hits occurred in American. Braiilian are more freely offered, while Egyptian and East Indian show no change. Arrivals opened at Saturday's closing rates, but loainD M.

August, August-September, and September. Suhsequently August lost fully further. Tbe jnarket closed uuu out steany at tne uecnae, iut was 2,700 baleB, which 2,100 were on new and GOO on old dockets. The Now York telegram, which did not reach the maikot until alter the close, was "Firm, Tollc. advance; receipts, 2,100 The sales are estimated at S.000 bales, including 500 on speculation aud export, American deliveries, any port, basis of middling, low middling olausB (the fractions are given tilths of a penny Lata tiUlJlS1.

5-38 5-32 aailn; jIua. 5-37 Early lalsi. Auintst 5-39. 38 37 5-33, 32 32 5-32 5-20 5-14 Kept 0-02 5-20, 19, 20 Oct-Nov. 5-14 6-12 Dec-Jan, 5-12 "3 5-12 5-12 5.13 6-14 mniactions oi wj oaies wmjf.

Bales. Hpacuiauou I and liapor Pwr. I Mi vssc To. iur. fesr.

thl. Wert. American 6580. 12350 300, 1200, 367i 1660 5042 Fernsm, Rio Grande 200, 30: I 830 Coara Ic Arocaty 200 1330 MarnnhaiD Eerntian 500; 1 500 1100 310 1000 Peru, to 175 Sural ac Iras gal I 100 Madras 200 300 Uollgi Total 8000 170001 8000! 500 1500 500 2000. 542' 6302 542 25000 1 7344 (JUOTATIOXS.

Loir mil. IWlllac. Qool iriU. MM.tilr. Good ord.

Dplands 5ft Tolas. 5rV Orleans if, 5ft 5,4 51 5ft OA SB Or1. 1 Goot. 6 5iV 64 Slid. fair.

6ft KiOr. Fornam 6J Ceara 5 raraiOa 61 ti suranliaia ti rair. uoolfJlr. Egyptian bi 6, uiwi wnite. arc ui tv.

f.p. o.b. rxi.p, oa. F.O. aL-ginnoil Broach nominal 4J 4J Flni 44 4n Dliollora 3ft 4 4ft 4ft 4ft 4ft ODmrawuttee 3S 4ft 4i 4ft 4j 4J Comnuli .11 3i 4.1 uauasl 3An Jn otf" 'in 'jn Tinnivelly 48 4l 4j 5 Cottos Ships Abeivbd.

Sow York: Etruria 8. Jlcston: Ilouinn I9trian s- X'orfolk: Claymore s. I'ernambuco: s. Africa: llenin s. LOXDON COTTON 1IABKET, Mondat.

(From tho Cotton, lirokors' Association Circular.) There lias bean a slow market, and prices American futures are easier. egyptun coton, Messrs. Seosi, QiElio, and ot Liverpool, have received from their Alexandria house the following telegram: Alexandria, mondat. Arrivals of cotton for the week, 500 cautars, ajainst cantats same vf*ck last year; ahipmBnta to Liver pool, 500 hales, against 1B0 bales some week last year; shipments to Continent, 1,400 bate, against 645 bales same week last year. Exchange on London, three moutlis date, freight to Liverpool, 12s, 61I per ton.

MANCITESTEIt CLEAEIN'G-HOUSE. Annnxed is a statement of the amounts which passed through tlie Manchester Clc-Jring-Iiouso in the week ending Soturdav last: Monday, Bank BulltUy Tuasdoy, fl'edneailiiy, Thursday, Friuav, 445,415 Saturday, total, 2,571,287. In the corresponding week of last year tho total amount was 2,425,19 i lw swsofim. RAILWAY. INTELLIGEXCE, FURXESS.

ThB Direclors of tho Furnoss llailway Company have declared a dividend of 2i per cent tor the hulfyuur endine Juno 30, compared with the same omount, lor ilie ircvious Unit year, aau per cent iur inu corre(iouuiu-iilf of last (ear. JOIN'T-STOCK COMPANIES. Tho Directors of the Lancashire and Yorkshire Acci dent Insurance Company have declared an irikrim dividend, payable on 1st September, ut tier cent, tor tlie Halt year, Ming ut 1 no rate 01 au per lent, per annum. A 'special meeting of the sliaroholders ot ttio Liver-ocol llouseliold Stores Association, Limited, uus held yesterday (Dr. Chrko in the chair), aud a statement of the position of tho Association was mode Alter a good deal of discussion it was decided to appoint a committeo seven suaieiioiilt-rs to mGCt a comuiiuco 01 unequal number of creditors, the object being to arrange for Hie liquidation ol the old company and to form a new company upon a basis which would cause as little Micriiice to the old shareholders ua possible.

Tlie idea is tlut tlie old liabilities may be licjui Jutcd by a contribution from the existing shareholders of 5s. per share, ood that a new coniDanv may be established on this basis. TI10 rcrt: 01 1110 inrectors 01 uio uigan uiai anil Iron CDinuativ, Limited, for the half year ended 30tli June was issued yesterday. It states I I1.1t the output of fuel liuu siignuy iiicreaseu, out tne cuius nau uceu less than in tlio lircvious halt year. Pnies limi remainil about tiie same us during tlio previous liulf yeir.

change had been niadcin the rateof wngo. Tliefunui-jes in operation had continued to work well, but I ho iron trade had continued in 11 depressed state. The ncv works for the production of stircl have nindo good progress. Tho accounts for tlie half year show profit of 10,340 on tlio whole operations of the Company, and the sum of 92 was brought from last halt jcar. Tlie Directors propose 10 witnuraw 11 sum 01 ii.uw 1 rom tlio reserve fund, which now consists of a sum or 6,298 in Consols.

'rno'DircctorsrocominendndividcodaUer tlio rate of It per cent per annum, free cf income tax, which will absorb 11,311, leaving 122 to bo carried foruatd. Tlio balance shows that the paid-up share capital of tlio Company amounts to and the mortgage debt to 83,700. Tho mine rent suspense account now stands at 302,001. STOPPAGE OF A STEEL WORKS. The Press Association's Swansao correspondent says: Landore, near Swansea, lias been thrown mio a state of consternation by the sudden and unexpected stoppage of the Sew.

Lnndore Steel Works, belonging to Messrs. Siemens and Limited. On Saturday most of tlie workmen were, at two hours' notice, paid oif, and most of the furnaces were put out on Sunday. The result 19 that over 1,000 men, to whom upwards of 1,300 were paid weekly, are now out of employment. Tlio cause of tlio stoppage is unknown.

A meeting of Diteclors it is said, bo held in London to discuss matters. Mr. Frederick Siemens, nephew ot tlio late Sir W. Siemens, visited tlio works last week, and it is believed that this visit has been til? cause ol closing not only the Siemens Company's works, but tho old works also, where several hundred men have been employed by the New Mannesinar Tube Company, Limiled. It is reported that both works are likely to remain idle for about six months, RAILWAY TRAFFIC RECEIPTS, ftj The following traffic receipts are forthewerk ended August 12, compared iritlitliose for tUe corresponding ptri 0.1 bit cur Decrease.

East Tennes. Virginia, Georgia fgruM-ttli week in July 819.601... uitv, Vfyanuotie, anu Nortu-Yteitil(Juty) Meilruio Vatinnnl lannrnx. gross, 823,600 July) sumo New iork, Ontario, and Westttn Igross-lstweekinAug.) 811,769 Smyrna and CSissska (July 29) Z.S16 nutlKjutim SU9 1.CK4 7.871 Tlx. ruM-tnii ol ttis Alabama.

New Orleans. Tryt PaciSo Juiietloa fiiliirays for tlio raontb ol Julj-, as recelred caljle. are Kturueu as iouow Inc. 85.000 851.01111 821, tOO Sec. Alabama Gt.Boutbcrn Cincinnati Boutliera KewOrleansi Vieksborg and Mcridisn Bhrtvcport, SsclSe.

S12I.0W S323.M0 SH.OM saoog MiSOHBSTBn HAT AKD BTHAW ItABKBT. Hay, new, GJu. 10 I ciorer, am, oitw Ju Sd.i wheat itraw, SKd. to oat straw, 6)4'a. to 6iil.

per 1110, OOBKBDTTBB MABKET, Ho.vjiT.-In market, 8 Srklru classified as lolkwi-Firata, 315. teooads, 297. tldrds. t- lourths, 2 supernne, si; line, es; rauo. quotations mrerwM, ma.j awvuu.

loirus, 73s lourtlu. 73s superllne, Doe, Dillj, Vcit LONDON POTATO BUHSET, supplies at auuexea pnets Hebrons, Wis. to kidneys. Ids. to rtgenu, Os.lo 75s aliaws.

50s. to 70s. per ton, LONDON UHAU ailAT ilinHKl1. supply was on offer, xhe trade sras very stow and prices to 3s. prime ditto, 1s.

Scotch ditto to Is. Ameriean. Lberoooi kiliui. Si. ditto, killed, hind quarters, 3s, Id.

to 3s. ditto ditto torn-quarters, Zs.A toZi. Ungliih Teal, fe.to4i.4u.; hauii miauuDK uubo, is. hi prime ailMYai to Gs 4d Scotch ditto, Ss. 4d.

toSs. 9d, Now Zealand ditto, 3. 4d. toll ditto, 1, Wis.w, pti Ut. br AU12RKJA.N HABKEISL (BY CABLE,) Nsw YOBlt, Mo.vdat.

Tbe market opened very strong under foreign buying of Beading, Union Pacific, and Erie, and with some shifting of position by a local "hear" party. Chicago was the chief seller at the opening. Later, business became dull, and prices hid a declining tendency, Grangers leading the fall, but in the afternoon trading again became firm to strong on limited but confident buying and the absence of tho early pressure. The strength of Reading bonds was the most prominent feature of tho forenoon. Tho sales total about 100,000 shares, against 9J.000 on Saturday and 216,000 on Friday.

Tho weekly coal trade report says that the production has been very heavy, but the demand is unabated and prices are firm. An advance of prices is oxpectod in September, when tolls will advance 25o, It is reported that the Heading has already earned a large part of the 1 per cent interest due in February on the preference stock, Tbe Indiana, Blooinington, and "Western will issue their new booda on Thursday. The Northern Faciiio new board will be selected by the Committee this week. The Missouri, Kansas, and Texas meeting is postponed owing to the absence of members. Tho bonds wcepted were 17,200 out of 302,250 offered, The earnings of the East Tennessee for the fourth week of July were for the first week of August, Atlantic and Paciiic, $01,000, against New York, Ontario, and Western, 842,000, against Ohio and Mississippi, SS3.000,'acaiiiat S1U3.000: "Wnbash and Western, $113,000, against Texas and Pacific, iawyjUU; liicrimonu ana llanvilie, $ltuw.

OjII alone)-. OiosineFrtcai: Ciala Bldurs'slfat. ltanlL Varls. Uerito.

1.1 4 n.c 4'37i 5221 95 Toay Up.c 4 W7j 4'85j 5-22J 95 thlai cbmuj price. sr.j 1'MvluLii 1V- NowYori: air. Lomit. oar. dar.

U.S. 4Jp.c. 1891 coupon 107i 127i 107J 54 574 68 355 113 73 114 88 57i 138J 50 Do. 4 QiC. 1907 Canada Southern Conadutn Paciuc Central New Jersey Contra! Facile Chic, St.

Paul Ckicagoand eotertu Atehiaon, Topcko, i S. F. ClsvDland, C. Ind. CVlawaro and VV, Denver alt.

(i. Tennesseii first Illinois Central Lake Slioro cv hlichlgsn louisvOle and Niialiviila Michigan Central Miss. Kansas, Missouniind t'uciiic M. Y. Central a H.Hiver N.YUiiriD,;W6st...

Do. 2nd more, York How England K.York Ontario, is rt'esc. 4 641 68 '5 58 675 35J 113t 73 113J 89 56f 113 113J 733 72 li 113J 6 57i 19 119 133 571 118 117 137 137J DU 70 119 119? U9119 si aos soj aoj 60? 871 Hi 103 26J 59 87? 611 87J 811 87 145 82J 107 28j -t 435 "4 503 25f 57J 23 67 20 51 72 24i 25 60 83 106 371 114 82 99 14 82 108 Hi 82 107i 283 ilj 18i Wi 26 565 23 OS Hi 72i 24 25i 60J 14 271 831 29 44J 43i 50J 28 57 ftorfolk astern urut. 4 Northern Facitic 1 Do, pref. 39 Ohio and Mississippi Oregon improvement Oregon Trans, 88 Fhiladelph'ut Heading 248 Kt.

Louis S.f rati, pret 1 KiclimonO 'Terminal 19 Tesas Si Pacific (Trust) 32 Onion Facirtc 85 Wabash, St Pacific Do, preferred 16 Wtutern Union 69 St. Paul, Manitoba 2 Cotton oil Trust 15 Baltimore: Richmond and Danville. Uiltimora aud Ohio Uuciunatl, Wusli, and li Philadelphia: fjehigh Valley Pennsylvania Ptuladolpliia Iteading Boston: Metican Central Atlantic and Pacific Pp. first mort, 51 Calumet Si Bech Imirvj) Ex dividend. 50L 26 57i 281 83 108j 8Tt 25f 51 72i 24 24j 00 27i 821 108 108 371 114 92 99 63J 544 25, 53 100 100 813 Slj Unquoted.

814 272 81 272 AMERICAS COMMERCIAL MARKETS. CiULK.) (pttOlt OUft OW.f co*kSKSPOiJDENI.l Nkw 1'obk-, Mondat, Wheat aud maize were weaker under increased stoclis, fuller receipts, and scarcity of ocean freight room, (11? ANCt.0-ASI2mC.LN CA1ILU.) New Yobe, Mosuav. The Washington Signal Service Ilurtau in its weekly review of the weather says that reports from New England, Middle and South Atlantic States, districts north of tho Ohio river, Kansas, Missouri, and Southern Nebraska indicate fuvourable weather during the post week, with a generally imurovod condition of the crops, especially corn, although there wits some (lanugo from wind and rains in sections of Ohio and with excessive rainfall and cool weather in Minnesota and Northern Nebraska, retarding the growth of tho crops and delaying tlie liarvcat. Light frosts occurred in Xorth-wcstcrn Minnesota and Michigan on Friday, but there is no duuiago reported. WUEAT Opened firm at Je.

advance, and values furtlicr im proved, but there was a relapse on tho visible supply exhibit, utid with a light export trado tlie close is easy at it decline of go. to lc. Kales, 3,160,000 bushels. The visible supply shows an increase on the week of 2,230,000 bushels, aud ti decrease on the year of 7,542,000 bushels. Sep.

VcL Nov. Jan. 1'eli. liar. Mas- Tills dav 924 92Si 93 94 9Ji 93 Previous S3 S3 93' StJi 9i SJJJ Miiza Opened weak at a full of gc, and was depressed and irregular on heavier receipts, There went largo pur chases for export, and the close is steady, but values uro unchanged to lc.

down. Sales, 1,850,000 bushels. Tiie visible supply is 471,000 bushels lower on the week, but it is onsnois nuovo last year, Anif. San. Oct.

Nov. Die. Jan. J-ob. Mar.

a. Tills day. 52tf SZ'i Sift SZfi SStf rafi mi n.0011 Was in limited demand for export, and closes barely steady at the quotations. Tnls lUr. PrT.

Hew York-3orioz wneat, extra Ho, l. H3 6D 3-S0 Wlnwr whose 4-90 4-95 Ifinueapolii ratont sacks for uijiort V3S 4-3S uaiers 1'UJ foo Tlie lliimiamlit Xortli-lVtstirn ililltr gives the flour production for last week as 156,000 barrels from 20 mills, against 160,040 barrels from 21 mills in the previous week. Daily aaAl atovsxrar (tuouumii of liushels), Tills Ust Totr. Thisiresk. Bason.

Sauon: lieeelpts, Western 597 $97 6.1S2 ,5,607 liecelpu, Atlantis sit tit jabs 7,730 SiporU, Atlantic 99 93 C.M3 Becelpts. (Yestern 495 4)9 3,741 2,729 UKclptl. Attintlo 3S7 317 1,739 513 Bhlpmeuts. Western S9 59 737 917 Esports, Atlantis 3S 39 400 652 lieeelpts, Atlantic 9 9 248 3il The visible supply of wheat and nuiie, with com parisons, was is follows: vrtifsL Uslas. lluihsli.

e.5J9,000 9,01 Biuliels. 22,998,030 32,170,003 3E.01T.0M Aupistll.UH AuiusH, IMS Aujust 13, 1SBT li. 1SC3 UtniiRSTAtla aud SL l'aui not The stocks of wheat aud maize at iVow York and Chicago, with last week's figures, ore as follow: Tats week. Uitnetk. Wheat.

Mali. tVaeac slaizs. Busbsts. Sustifis. Husbuls.

Bushels, Rji-Yort 1,240,090 StO.000 920,009 CblcsLO 4,900,099 2.WI.0OO 2.5H.0M Moverasntol grain, provisions, for week ending August Hi Sblpmsnts tram Atiintl: Forts, Whest. Slow. Uxs. u.oco I7.CO0 t.tco ,003 rtiubsu. SD.CC0 sum M00.W1 90,000 270,0 IMl'ffldSwasUi: W.tCO 1(0.

C03 ConUMat Total, rrstloos mass O0.C01 eU.OO) 381,000 laps 11,000 0,214,090 lard. Battsr. lalmr. Petrol, la. Osls.

mm lb. 10. iv. SSm. si Unrpool bandoa Qlassoff HiuIandKeiressUa, Bristol and Cootlnsat 160,000..

390,000,, 290,000 mm. Total. Euret S.110.0M f.iKMO OATS Are steady at a decline of Jc, to Jc. Aua. Sep.

Oct. Nov. Ms oay 31fi 29K fre'loaiday USD Commenced with a firm market, and though waaojrJtt the tost waa naJstsiiitd a iqotti eC Dec trade light Mm witt a party of excursio (T? 1 orkshire when her mainmast Basoned ,11. a-- in 1II1IM 4.j iiuuo iii iuo iiraoer leu aiaaii U. 7 deck.

Half, dozen persona weresZS We regret to state that seven other mall-pox have broken out in St JntT! Industiial School Uwsieht. and deaths now numbers three. The totfcs i. curred amongst the small hand-about who had not been vaccinated, inedical department of the Local hubet.nin.Yanchesterdurinetheu days makingifullmvestigotion of ttecirZ, attending this outbreak of tbe disease Latest advices report a serious miw cholentamor the crew of H.M.S. Imwril i near flajjjbip on tha China station The i accident to a Bolton excursion tin, irbold was a serious affair, a i jnred is published, and it is feared tht be fatal results.

1'wo of tbe injrd still ,2 the vicarage in thu care of a trained nurie me rew Landore Steelworks, new c. belonging to Messrs. Sieaiem 4: iLu beon-unexptctedly closed. Uomrd. nf men were' employed there, and the caused a aeisation in the district.

1)1 Tho London and North-Western Cmr Scotch exprjss yesterday accomniish-d u-Tr1! i express yesieraav accomn n. from London to Edinburgh in seven iw2S minutei. The Bolta Toim Council had before it day the question of letting the tram linS borough, the existing lease being about to I-It was decitied to insist on penny tKa ai transit in any new arrangement that iuybeSj? Patbick Keuv, whoii alleged to linnet two of the crew of tho National line while the veisel was on a voyage frouS? ftew iork, was committed at BotT-itrlT- tourt yestorday to take his trial on u. charou. "i FOBEIGN.

A oonsidiiralle force of British and 'Mm is asiemhlfd on tha Sikkint frontier fr- 3 against the Thibstans. The latter ire superior foite. Mi Field Mntshal Count vos Moltse baim own request, been relieved of the offit cf Caittrf the General Stafi, and appointed PreiideatK National Defence Commission. A severe defeat has htai Bashi-baiojks which was ordered by ti, General ccmnisnding at Xsusowali to tlre alrTl native chie! who had taken post at a tmijjUu distance frtim thti coast. In the crisis of theacfe iuu Dative auuuaries turned against tie lit bazouks, and the detachment ssemj to hire overwhelmed, The General reporli the men and all the officers, A telegram from St.

Pet! Danish Koyal Fumily are strongly opiiol proposal to niaie Princa Waldeuae Praia; i Jlulgaria, The ground assigned isawrjniju one-namtly, thst as Prince of Bulgaria be ta sooner or later come into collision vriih the Km of Greece brother), whose subjects ire la to acquire poissision of Macedonia. 1 Tie JFn) York Times makes merrv at of Genera! HAmtisori's ideas on onomicstiijtr4 The Republican candidate recently said at Iifa. apotiB uu" nis party stands nnequivoallj, ifl. the doctneetal the American market shall be reserved for At-rican prodicers. We are not," he wntiniisj.

Jt, tracxed by the suggestion that we should linenfe to foreign producers the best market in tbe trail Our sixty millions of people are tbe best Itottn the world, and they are such because our mtfej class receive the best Ia other turi, America for Americans, and no traffic ml "abroad." Uw, the Genera! went further, lii suggested that whilst Ameriean! nail buy from the- foreigner, they should to him, to that end he proposed fo diie lines of steamers to Central ud Soothes America, The Neic York Tina hejenpuauji It is a sitlled principle in foreign trade tbitiM is sold car. only he paid for in the products ofittj countries. Money is only used in settling taxes, and rarely passes from one country to It is especiilly notorious that Central and American fStstei have no surplus of cash, and ikt are they to get it if they cannot dispose ti to own products beyond their own borders? llorihey are to bn compelled to purchase from in i detail to which General llAimisra bu given attention. There has been nothing mote dilijltM than Geniiral H. naisON's doctrine of a home tnaiktt and foreiim trade by subsidy since (ienertl flit- co*ck dedsred the tariff question to be i mertlooi issue.

For absurdity it even excels thst, Nl Moaiox, irhenJiewas received hybiifellow-oiiia of ftblnelieck titer tho Chicago Coeviatkm, nil that the lisndidate for Preiideut bid bees sM to make no seches and write no lelieti. Tb advice wan most prudent, but it In not been hetid If Ijeneril Uaibibon is lioitomt-eaiuiirunf culous the whole country, the N'atiesal Cos-inittee will have to find some way of ietpiojtii mouth shut, On the subject of the tariff ui foreign trade ho shows an ignorioeesndacmfcf of thought thai would disgrace a buy in tbe ltd- apolis Suhool. Matt yuAV uoimi itp to him tbe advice he gave to General Biivtss-a he was a caudiilute for Governor of Penrjavltscii- A mitanAJi from Berlin states that Cmt IB Moltke hu resigned the post of Chief of tie Stti of the Gwraan Army. The event is one of fit oeiaonnl, uolitical, and military interest w1 Mciltkb is the first soldier of the age, sod Hf haps tako rank, in the judgment of future Sta tions, baude and.NAPOtsoxnw' tho great commanders of the world, Hi nt1 affects tie affairs of Europe by Kminding -h friends imd toe enemies cf Oernus; Hi tho thme grtat men who mads tie thB ata teaman alone now remsins it The peculiar nature of the post of Chief tfw Start is one of the secrets of I'nusiin law-tha change in its occupiney, after a tenure cf than thirty ynar by one man, ought to Englishriien that their own army mnttars much more than thirty years bew1K" of Qernany. From each of these poiM" there is much to he said on the Connt resignation, JIowu in 1S00.

He came of a noble Prtstiu in whicl, as in most houses of nobility, there was the uooiw of novelty vd of serving ia tension of aims. Family him as a boy to the Danish Court, when educated and began his military ciwer. to he entered thd Fruuoan army. Stuome-, and gifled with a resolute will, 't himself ns a lieutenant by his thorough bew of his iirofeaion, and accordtogly employment oa the Staff. As a pto four advBntnrons years mine Aurauu travelletl through the then almost Zi of the interior of Asia Minor.

Aj forty-file he published a history oi Turkish War ot 1826-9, which reves judges the of its author. the maslerly histories of Olacsewitz, like then, the clearnesa of vision reranu perfectly hskneed mind. Capahb wereinQermwy. Vm" fromthlathju. on quickly promoted.

Princeof Pru.iia(thelte Emperor entrusted with the temporary "i1 VSBf, hu had not held thstpMitkm aw appointrf Moltke, then a major geww, ou thu dutie, of the General Staff. later M-dlike's appointment wu va? In 1869 the war between France aaa to readsrPniHian uttew i tmym mobilised, and tha Cbi when oamulted was found to havs bufotehtnd every detail. Assoou-i" in Italy was over there wis 0 hbtory of the operation. Hiitorfsal Department of to iJtLtl ilia tot, il to(OT' THE MONEY MARKET. BANK RATE 8 PER CfiNT.

London, Monday Night. The money market was hardly so firm ia tone to-day, though there was little change ia The market is still under the influence of the unknown as to how far this week's gold shipments to the Plate will affect this market. To-day it was reported that the inquiry for gold in the open market had ceased, and that all the gold required for this week's shipment bad been secured on the Continent. On tho other hand, private advices from Paris report that an inquiry for gold was made at the Bank of Franco on Saturday and was refused, and that another application was made to-day to that institution. Tho Bank of Germany has also placed dilliculties Hi the way of gold Withdrawals and no more than 160,000 from the epen market is expertcd from that quarter.

Notwithstanding the conflicting rumours about gold, dealers show little disposition to bid for bills. Three and four mouths hank bills were in one case done at 2f per cent, but the market quotations were 2 to for three months, 2 for four months, and to 3i for sii months. Money was in moderate demand at 1 to 1 per cent, with an abundance late in the day. There has been a very thin attendance in tho stock markets to-day, and lot little business is reported to have been transacted. In most markets the tone has been dull.

Home Government funds are again -f lower, hnt the principal weakness has been in tbo market for hom*o railway securities, Although it is expected that this week's traffic nill show some very satisfactory increases, the results of the southern companies have been scarcely up to anticipation. The Brighton Company shows an increase of 0,700, and the South-Eastern Com pany of .7,671. Brighton deferred is lower, closing at 121, and South-Eastem deferred has fallen to 10C1, decline of i for the day. In the market for heavy stocks the fall has been from to 1. r.nd Scotch stocks show irregular movements, Caledonian being down, while North British is a strong market, tho price snowing an advance or j.

In the morning North British stock changed hands Ills, but the closing price is i below that figure. Hull and Barnsley stock is steady and inclined to firmness with a limited market. In the foreign department the tone has been firm, most international securities showing a small fractional advance. The Turkish loans secured on tho Egyptian Tribute arc I to up. Egyptian loans proper are better for Unified and preference, French ate a slight fraction higher.

Italian havo been carried up to Oof, and Spanish, after rising to 731, close at 73 to Portuguese have been dull at reaction after the recent rise. The market is not altogether comfortable, both from political and financial considerations, The strike demonstrations in Paris, witn tUBir undercurrent of political meaning, have so far had uo appreciable adverse effect on the market, and another circ*mstance to whichjittle attention has been paid, at alt events on this side of the Channel, is the alleged difliculties of tho Panama Canal Company in securing the where withal to go on with its work. In the American department the market haa boon steady throughout the day, but finally closed at a slight decline, New York coining in late in the afternoon with a few orders to sell, the fall ranging between and the weakest stocks being the Pacific oompiuies, with the exception of Central Pacific, which are slightly higher for the day. Erie are lower at 2si, and Milwaukee shares have declined to below 75. Tho Union Paciiic net earnings for June are returned as $1,004,217.

There has been a email ilecreaso in gross earnings with a considerable increase in working expenses, so that tho net results of tho show a decrease of $105,000. The Ontario earnings for the first week of August are returned 13 $11,700, an incroase of Mexican Central sad National bonds arc -steady, with a special inquiry for Mexican National A bonds. The Mexican Central traffic for the first week in August hows a take of an incrense of Grand Trunk of Canada stocks are lifeless ami i to 1 lower. In the market for Mexican iiailway securities there has been a slight iractional dcclmo on tew purchases from quarters believed to he veil informed and on the idea fiat to-morrows tratlic announcement will be a satisfactory one. In miscellaneous markets there has been a fair amount of business in brewery and Ilutchkiss shares, also in Hyderabad- Decora shares.

The latter, in tho morning, were ottered down to ti, but to-das meeting, confirming the adoption of tho report, has been followed by some enorgctio purchases, with the result that the price closed above the worst, the final quotation being Of, buyers. Guinness shares have improved to slightly aver 32, and there has been a littlo roily Allsonp shares, which, after remaining weak at improved at tho close to fractionally oyer U. Mining shares have been flat, except for diamond descriptions, which are fractionally better. Copper shares have again advanced, Mason and Barry rising to 0 and Rio Tinto to 'J0g. The following are the latest prices of diamond mining shares Kimbcrloy Central, Da Beers Company, 20; Griqualand West, 4JJ-; Anglo-African Company, 3J; Jtulfantein Mining Company, lift; ditto, Consolidated, South African (l'ullinger), and Jagcrsfontein Exploration, 8J, At the Bank of England to-day gold to the value was received from Australia, The Nopaul has arrived from China with 23,847 in specie, Tho Lahu is cxpeoted on Thursday from New York with 31,000, Tho Kimutaka has left Wellington (Now Zealand) with 00,000.

Bhitisii, and Fomion Cobtohation SiooK8.jfJen: Southampton 3 per cents i'allen: Napier Harbour Board 6 per cent Fobeion Stocks. Ithm: Argentina Cednlas -aeries A and' Buenos Ayros Cedulas each, Peruvian Six per Cents and Mexican new Six per Cents Fallen Portuguese Three per CentaJ. Hour IUhwats, Xisui: Tsu Vale 2, London, Chatham, and Dover preferred, and ditto, 1833, Great Eastern 4 per cent preferred scrip, and Sheffield 5 per cent preferred, 1 each. Indian and Colonial Railways. Risen: Bombay, Baroda, and Central India guaranteed 1 and Eastern Bengal A annuities and fiast Indian annuity A each.

Fallen: Wellington and Manawatu debentures, second issue, 1. Aukbican Railways. 6 par cent debenture bonds 1, Wabash ordinary and Mexican Central oommon stock Fallen: "Wheeling and Lake Erie first mortgage gold bonds Union l'aoifio shares and Northern Pacific preferred and Canada Pacific new land gjant Si per cent J. Foewom Railways. Stun: Braiilian Imperial Central Bahia per cent debentures 2, Buenos Ayrcs Northern ordinary 2, ditto 11 per cent debentures, Central Argentine ordinary, East Argentine debenture stock, Condo d'Eu Gi per cent debentures, and Ottoman Seraikeuy Extension 8 per cent debentures 1 each; Minas and Rio guaranteed? per osut and Provincial-Orel Vitebsk guaranteed, and Cordova Central 5 per cent debenture stock i each: Mexican second preference Buenos and Ensenada Port ordinary and Central Argentine shares each; and Varna 3 per cent obligations Fallen South Austrian 3 per ocnt obligations i.

Banks. Hong Kong, International Bank of London, Lloyds and Bsrnett's, and Standard of Boum Alrica eaon. BuBWKnns and Distillbbibs. Fallen 1 All- lopp preference 2, Colchester Brewery ordinary, uiu raujui, Hiu uuub jjiuffunco uruiuufy auu preference each. Canals and Docks.

Riunt London and St. Katharine per cent preferential, ditto new 4J per cent preferential (Act 1832), and Millwal! Dock 1 each and East and West India debenture stock CosiHEMiAj, Indcsthial, Sec Siteni Welford and Sons and Hotohkiss ordinsry and Native Guano i each, Fallen: J. Jensen and Co. and cpratt i' stent Financial, Land, and Investment. Sinn International Financial J.

I'inahcial Tbitsk. Jliun: American Investment Trust deferred and Foreign American and Genoral Investment deferred 1 each, Insubanck. Ibllen: Thames and Mersey Marine CoAi, Inor, and Saxu-Butm Ehhtr Vale 1, jraUm: John Brown inri rv. "ft," West Bawett, Wheal Bassett, Wheal Granville, and El Callao i each; iu uujiuuui eaon, ua odd de Fallen: London General umniims soutnwarn and Deptfard $, and Provincial, Sheffield, and Southampton each. Colonial Government Securities, Gas, Shipping, Tea and Coffee, and Waterworks: In these depart ments no variations have taken place.

The list of subscriptions for shares and deben tures in the New York Breweries Company, Limited, will close to-morrow. The list of applications for the issue of 30.000 first niorteatre debenture bonds of John Ttitham and Sons, Limited, will close on Wednesday By a clerical error in tne advertisem*nt ot we Woodhall Spa Company, Limited, in our Saturday's issue, preference capital is stated as 4,500 shares of 200 each instead of 20 each, as correctly stated in the prospectus. The trallic receipts of tbe sue: on Saturday and Sunday amounted to against on the corresponding days of last year. Continental Its following quotations were received by telegram during the day j. bus; French 3 per rent

It SO i.m. 8385 IOS'60 3W 105-55 Ditto per cent account Ditto 3per cent redeem, Italian 5 per cent 86-30 -97-05 96-95 LODDaru lUilwavs 217-50 218-75 Suci Canal Ottoman Hank 529-37 528-43 14-93 52843 73-50 430-31 25-38 Txlly. 2 p.m. 97-87 Tumish, new 15-10 Kiolmto Spanish 4 nor cent Egyptian Unified Exchange 52687 73-42 429-88 25-38 Saturday. 1230 p.m.

97'SO Berlin: Kusiiiii 5 per cent New York Stock Exchange, quotation! have been received: The following Cluing Saturday. United States Funded loin 4 per 1273 Central Pacific Railroad shares 35 Chicago, Milwaukee, and St. Paul 73 Denvor shares IBi rie Kailroad shares 2Sj Illinois Rsilwav sharss U9Jt Wa Shore Ka'ilrrad shares 96 Louisvills and Saslivills slrarcs 61 Sew Yorlt Cental! snares 107j Pennsylvania shuss 54 Philadelphia and Heading shares 631 Exchange on London 60 days' sight 4'84J Ei Jlvltaiii. 36 73, 19! 28: 11911 961 60J 108 8 68 4-88 The Stack Exchange list and other commercial intelligence will be found in our Boveuth page, CLYDE OnuSnBD SUGAR' MARKET, Imuctlvtf, but fulruimmiit ot ttusintas Uuelc at ubuut Satur-d-'s oflicial rtport states: Mnlcnite business inns al tiatunlaj-s prfci-s. JIA.CL ASD Sflft'PIMtr HEWS.

(Router's TclEcnioi.) llelbcume, Moniay. Tin; Fcnlmuhr and Oriental steamer Cartliagu an-lved yesterday mornini; with uutward Loniloa mails of tin sth ult. Altany, Orient line ttcimer lualtaula, from London, left licrc on tlie 11th Inst, iur Sydney Bsktcs, Orient lino steAiner Austral, from Australia for lomlau, arrived here at yesterday, Tlxe Ciitumi liue steamer Cejjliaionfa, from lloston, arrived hero nl 10 20 a.m. to-day; landed malls cud proceeded far Liverpool Immediately.

Lisbon, Monday. Messagerius Maritime Company's steamer Niger, vritli invranl reneb malia from liuenos Ayres, Monto Video, Uio do Janeiro, lialila. rernambueo, and Da'Efsr, arrived liere tCHlay.1lio Ouion Company's atfaincr Mexican arrived lierulastiuglit from Southampton and Plymouth, andproceeded at 4 p.m. to-day Fur Capetown. Madras, Saturday.

Thu Clan iioe steamer Clan Cameron left yesterday evenm for Loudon. Calcutta, Monday. Tiie Anehor line steamer HEspanla, from Glasgow and Uvrerpool. arrived this Sclfly, Monday. The lfamburft-Ainerlean Company's chartered steams Kehmeder, from West Indies for Havre, and Hamburg, osacd at nine a.m.

to-day. Port b'aid, Sumlay. Thu Mesiaerias Uarltimes Company's steamer Yarn, with French malLa from New Caledonia, Aus-tmiia, Muurltius, uud Alndaitascar, left at eleven a.m. today. Hie Peuhisulur and Uriental Conijuuv's steamer Pelihj, from Shunliat, arrived at Sue thia moruiii-, and left Port Said this ermine; fur Marseilles, Plymouth, auuLundun.

lirindlsi, Monday. Tho Peninsular aud Oriental Company's steamer Clyde, London, arrived at 8 30 a.m. yesterday, and left at three a.m. to-day, with outward Indian mails, for Aden ami liomUy. Sierra Leonu, onday.

The British and African Company's steamer Sherimi, from West Coast of Alrica for Liverpool, arrii-ed liere yesterday. Grand Canary, Suiiihsv. Tlie British and African Company's steamer Lualaba. from West Coastot Africa fur the Contlueut, arrived here yesterda3-. A'ew YorJf.

Mort'Jay, This Jforddeutsclicr Xloyd steamer Ems. from Southampton, airived fix's fl.m', tthdav. Buci. Monday. The Clan line steamer Clan Manlonald, from Bombay for Uixr)ioul, arrived here yesterday.

Liverpool, The Citv liue steamer City of Oxford left lit! 1 hist. lor Clan tine steamer Clan Urum-mondlcft here yesterday afteruoou for Colombo, Madras, and OalcuUa. Sew l'ork, Smv.lay. The Oulon line steamer Ariiona arrived here at 31 u.m. to-day.

Tlie Anchor line American mall steamers Ittysta and Anehoria arrived here to-dav, the former at 5 a.m. and tlte hitler at noon. The Xational'ltne steamer Euy-pt arrived hero at ikwii to-day. It lias now transpired that the UmtrJa iras delayed thrvugli a slight aecideut to tier machinery. IJuceniioivn.

Sunday, The American lino steamer British, Prince, from Philadelphia, arrived liere at 10 SO p.ui. to-day landed despatches and preceded for Liverpool immedlatelv. Plymontli, Sunday. The liamhuru-Ainericaii Compaiiv's ateauier Suev-ia, from New York, urrived here at 55 p.m. tiiid pmeeetleil for Cherbourg and Hamburg.

The Fenlnsuuir-atid Oriental steamer -Nchu1 arrived licrc at 7 p.tu., with specie value after landing specie she proceeded at 9 for London. Bhe left Bhonghal June 25; UougKoug, 30; July Peiung, 8j Colombo, 14; Aden, 25; Port Said, 31-und Marseilles August C. Philadelphia, Sundav. Hie American lino steamer Ohio arrived to-dny.

Boston Sunday. Hie Citnard line etuuner Catalonia arrived to-day. Bro'wlicad, Monday. Tho lumon steamer City ot Clileaito. from ew York, passed to-day.

Soutluuunton, Monday. Tim Koiddenlseher Ltoyd steamer Wcrra, fmm New York, arrived at 4 40 a.m. tu-uay: landed mails and proceeded for firemen immediate v. Bt. Vincent, Sunday.

The Paciiic Navigation Company's steamer from Chill, Itiver Plate, and Brr.iil, lelthero to-day for Livertwoi. Colon, Harrison lino steamer Irehltecl, from I.ivcrfKwI. arnve i here lie (Vest ndia and l'aeifio Conipaliy's steamer Venezuela arrivctl liere lo-day, BamlBy, Monday. The Petilnsular aud Oriental steamer Thames arrived hero yesterday evening vvitts I mi outward mails. Quebec, Allen line steamer Cartliagenlan arrived here lcnlav.

The Braver Una rl, arrived here at IOimii. to dav. Ha ifaa. aloiida-. he AUau line ntn.imA here to-day, Alexandria, Peninsulir and Oriental steamer Qwallor left here at 3 p.m.

to-day for Brjiidisi. FOREIGN AKKI7AL3. From Lloyd's and by Private Telegraph,) BosUnv-Catalonla Liverpool; Wetlierhy Antwerp. Philadelphia. Katlss; BonaOlllos, Liverpool.

Colon. Venezuelan Liverpool. Malta. Atnoor s. Bangkok: Olan Maeln rnT.

and Nyanza a. lama lieufrrjiyshire Despdale Kenfraw James Wesloll s. Upplngliam s. Professor (a), West Indiis. Colombo.

illra Liverpool; Laju London. London. Calcutta. Si. ifurgaret, ifauritius.

a and Carthsjre both London. Perim Ossian and City of Cakutt, s. Augustiucs, Liverpool. Uertrude Woermaans. Eossrloi.

St. London. Albany. Lusitanla London. Briuuisl.

-Clyde London. Aotieostl (off). Sarmatiau Livernoo Suez. Beltona s. Glencoa SLc' i alien onu uovernor s.

a llavrt; Ballon ilio Janeiro; Uans and Kurt s. Llvei ai jar rftt Liverpool Britannia llnr- Koui.nas.Uwroool, 'JZJZ? SlFVWZi. ii; St, Manll.iCambrimObMtan'.N JTbS; TOyrfS HonsXon8i arttp.te,iivilny, S.S.W. VMhdalniiia. niir- v.v Ban Krancto: Batouro Haraourifi Qiandiwfr Port HacgMsjor Maple Brawn s.

Crania Aivall ana Uourdonals aiengaury and Pesbawur ooth London: Bas-ern Bremen. Madras. JIlddlaElirtmjh. St. ivxent, liaron Iklltaven s.

LlrerpooL Qucbf Vancouver Liverpool. FOBBION SAlLata. Bt, Thomas. ITautonla Havre. ffioraltar.

Austral London, itoton. liotliniaaand Bulgarian tooth Liverpool. Vusk-c. Murciana London. 11 rand Canary, iiuWa Livemwl.

ot. mersbnnt. Biinerdala s. AxnstercUun; Sultana and umuno doui 111111. Port.

Said. Hew OrliOTs- Ocean King iiremrn. Bum. Siiweo s. ColomlMKlicdire London.

liauaand Briflord Balls, both Liver- Manila. Itio Janelrn-Prinec Heotj. iitanioes, Dieppe. -Nortlicotos. OportO.

Cll-J nl fiflrV. Tnnn IVt Coast 'of Africa, for Hamti; Loarnia Kew Richmond Liverpool, iiassrin. Sierra ftlanca. Llveroool, Rii -Hwd'-d Pdkln i. Knight ot b.

juanma aaaiu. LITBRPOOL BHIl'PEtQ, Arrived August 1 luoafan a Unge i Larne Lucerno (Jlvde Jeyitri Haytian i. Ke-Orleans I Miry ftoauaS.Etowa.Portlsmi.Or. Arrived Aususr, 13. Olan Ranald a Frogruore Vanonltoss Uoart Tors Krne Spain a rorrrai mnnnll rrvn.

Plate Demerara Yorlt bM BnUvia "arsr St. John. S.H. as Quebec AP Gothenburg ntvof Laneaatna.Trflmrc Sarah Pugtrash if a Havana Oastlllius Lisbon Flavian a Gibraltar Lignriana Alexandria Jnlon Bnndsborg Clan Dnimmond Calcutta Sailed A City of Cartilage a Calcutta CityotUtPsn IgUSt 13. I Sudsra I id-day's matiEsr amo iowbst raicss ros vutduci fo's BOiisjas acioaixv dohk.

Hisiisit. LowesL August 11-41 11-27 September 9-E8 9-E5 970 9-38 SovembBr 9'flO 9-57 December, 9-59 957 January 9-65 962 February 9-72 9-72 March 9 o0 9-79 9B8 9-87 Way 9-95 9-95 June 10-04 10-04 Treasury on August 1 was against on July 1 last year; while the net amount of silvtr held (exclusive of tlio fractional silver) was 346,607,046 only, against the beginning of July last year. Apparently tlie silver is taking tho place of the United States Government notes in circulation, as the amount of the latter held by tho Treasury on tlio lit Inst, was $39,825,740, against only 820,013,797 thirteen CLOsixn qtotitiohs ros ruioim. months before. Trade advices from the woollen manufacturing dhv tricta of Spain are rather contradictory.

Barcelona advices state that an unusual amount of activity is reported among the manufacturers of Tarrass. Travellers from'the provinces have been visiting the town in large TSHlar. Prer.dar. Pseliae. Sslsr.

11-38 U'30 '08 8,100 SepteiatMi. 9-88 9-85 -01 5,600 October 8-68 96 '02 6,000 November- 9-58 958 '02 3,900 957 9-55 -02 January 9-64 9-61 -03 4,800 8-71 9-69 -02 100 March 979 917 -02 BW April. 9-87 9-85 -02 800 May 9-95 993 -02 300 Juno 10113 10-01 '02 200 Total salaEorttia day 36,700 numbers, and are said to have given some important orders for next season's goods. The JTco ic A lea, on other hand, states that several cloth factories-in town are on tlio point of closing, and itloolts for a serious state of affairs in the coming winter, unless there should be a rapid change for the bettor in tho state of trade. 'Hie journal proceeds, however, to make the Free Trade Ministers Moret and Freigcerver responsible for the alleged trade, depression in Alcoy.

The report, therefore. must be received with a certain amount of reserve, more so in view ol the satisfactory advices from Tarrass, Eeportlngon the state of trade in the United States, the New Oblsans, Mohbat. -The spot remains quiet at Saturday's advance. Futures opened lower for August and tbe close is quiet nut steady at 3 points fall for that month bus to 4 pomta better for new season, ST-OT UOOTATIOXS. aioa.

Bat, 'JH Thur. 10J iot 10 10 9 9J 8J 9J Si 8j Bj 4 200 100 4(10 2O0 TVs, Tva. Mlddlinc 101 10i 8j Ei Low Middling Good Ordinary Sales 303 QDOTS.T10SS IOB FOI02H. the New York Commercial mi TinwnexalOmmlt states, under date August 14, that the industrial position as a whole remained unchanged. General trade is naturally ben advanced another staee by the service summonses on the proprietor and pntiusoer oi inas journal Mr.

Pabnell claims 50,000 damages. AL is oejieveu mas uio Edinburgh in October. A London evening paper that Mr. T. P.

CfCassoR and ilr. J. E. Bed- of quiet at this season of tlie year, while there is little dis position to encourage speculation or engage ia speculative ventures. Tho favourable crop outlook, however, prompts merchants and business men to regard the mosd have commenced actions in tho English Courts against the Timti.

future confidence and satisfaction, while the Presidential canvass Is so tarns as scarcely Grouio shooting commenced yesterday. The reports of our correspondents show generally that only a moderate amount of sport was obtainable on tbe opening day, tho weather being unfavourable to count as a feature in tlie situation thus far. iron trade, though as yet recording very little improve ment in price, shows a distinctly firmer tone, with orders The and the birds not fully aeveiopeu. Slsnwt. Iaism, ttlotinit.

aaiat, auaut. Losrssi. Quit. 993 9 92 9 92 1,000 995 9-94 9'95 9-28 9-26 9'30 1,300 92T 9 25 B-23 9W 9-05 9-08 600 9-05 91B 905 Hov, 8-99 8-9B 9'92 100 8'98 8-93 8 93 9-05 9 03 9-05 1,600 9-02 9'ul S-01 9-12 9 10 9-12 700 9-09 9'0B 903 918 9'18 9'21 300 917 917 9-17 Mar. 928 928 9-30 9-28 928 9-26 April.

9-39 5-35 May. 945 9.44 TOUluJea 7,400 7 600 The twond of three representative matches between the Australian and the English Elevens was commenced on the Oval yesterday. Tie Australians were got out for 80 runs, and at the call of quite numerous; it is possible that tha heavy production and consumption in the, first half of tlio year, as disclosed by tho figures issued recently, hod an effect in inducing some of tliose to come forward who liad previously withheld their orders. The anthracite cool trade seems to he in excellent condition, and there is some talk of a further advance in prices; the Western demand is increasing, and tlie local- demand is fully up to time England Baa scorea 100 iur uve wieaeis. nii-tntor" a earn did wonders with tbe hall expectations, and Abel, of Surrey, and Babms, of Notta, did justice to themselves.

Lancashire, with a team from which Bbioos and Scon aw absent, are playing Sussex at Brighton, and appear to have the The clearances of wine from bond during July testify to soma recovery in the trade during thst month, as decided increase against July last year is shown by the returns. Of French red wine the clearances show an worst of the gams so tar. The twenty-fourth meeting of Artillery Volunteers promoted by the National Artillery Associa-tinn immnced at Shoebnryneai yesterday nnder BKBPTJ AT AUIXICIS POETS. This week. Bales.

Last Barn wait WNfc Monday, Atlantic. odd 300 L4D0 l.ton tuu uo zw 600 Total 4,800 700 1,600 Total 3 davs 5.500 lm 2.600 2,000 3,900 mis sauon. 520,200 505,000 5,211,800 5,373,900 IIKJItrS TO OXE1T BB1T1DL MonrUy 1,000 ZflOO 1,000 1,000 Total 3 days 1,000 8,000 5,000 7,000 UUU OOHBOO. UBfUW hosts to tsn cosTimsr. Monday 1,000 1,000 Total 3 days 2,000 1,000 VQOO tbit taatoa 1,789,000 1,785,000 1,700,000 1,739,000 bscupts ax leuun lamsios towss.

Monday 100 200 100 Total 3 WQ WO 2W increase of gallons, tie total gain for tlie seven months being 104,389 gallons, Thero was as increase very favourable conditions. Some capital firing was witoessed in the shell competition! with the 61- the clearances of French white wines of 28487 gallons, bringing the Increase for the year np to 114,030 gallons. Tne clearances of port have alio continued to expand, poundergun, Tha first priie given by tne flovues Parlinmunt waa won bv the eishth detachment the increase for July being 9 34 gallons, and for the seven of tbe 2nd Essex, with the highest possible number months 39,879 gallons. On the other hand, bpanunwinea of pointa in timin. luiec.

Ansvrivtatworndw show a tailing off, the dearancesof red being 3,036 gallons below July tut year, and the clnuutoM oi whit 47,162.

The Guardian from London, Greater London, England (2024)


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Author: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

Birthday: 1996-01-14

Address: 8381 Boyce Course, Imeldachester, ND 74681

Phone: +3571286597580

Job: Product Banking Analyst

Hobby: Cosplaying, Inline skating, Amateur radio, Baton twirling, Mountaineering, Flying, Archery

Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.