'Forrest Gump'-duo Tom Hanks en Robin Wright acteren opnieuw samen in 'Here', een drama dat zich volledig afspeelt in de woonkamer van één huishouden (2024)

In 'Here' krijgt de kijker de kans om een vlieg op de muur te zijn van eenzelfde ruimte, die evolueert doorheen de tijd. Het drama speelt zich volledig af vanuit één vast perspectief: de camera beweegt, zoomt en draait nooit. Het enige wat beweegt, is de tijd. Een manier van filmmaken die nog nooit eerder is toegepast, aldus regisseur Robert Zemeckis ('Forrest Gump', 'Cast Away') in Vanity Fair. "Er zijn vergelijkbare scènes gefilmd in vroege, stille films - voordat de montagetaal werd uitgevonden. Los daarvan was het een riskante onderneming."

De film, die dit najaar in de Belgische zalen verschijnt, bracht het 'Forrest Gump' duo Tom Hanks en Robin Wright opnieuw samen op de set, 30 jaar nadat de film in de zalen verscheen. 'Here' is gebaseerd op de gelijknamige graphic novel van Richard McGuire en zoomt in op het leven van een koppel, dat we zien verouderen (en verjongen!) door middel van make-up en digitale verjongingseffecten.


‘Here’ is gebaseerd op de gelijknamige graphic novel van Richard McGuire en speelt zich af op één plek in New England, in de Verenigde Staten. De film vertelt de geschiedenis van deze locatie: van de prehistorische wildernis tot het thuis die het vormde voor de verschillende generaties die er door de jaren heen woonden. Dit resulteert in een adembenemende visuele odyssee getekend door herinneringen aan liefde, verlies en hoop.

Bekroond regisseur Robert Zemeckis (‘Forrest Gump’,‘Cast Away’) brengt het team achter ‘Forrest Gump’ weer samen voor 'Here', en ook Tom Hanks (‘A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood’, A Man Called Otto') en Robin Wright (‘House of Cards’, ‘Wonder Woman’-franchise) vervullen hier de hoofdrollen.
‘Here’ verschijnt op 13 november in de Belgische bioscoopzalen.

Ontdek hier de programmatie van de film in je dichtstbijzijnde cinemazaal.


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'Forrest Gump'-duo Tom Hanks en Robin Wright acteren opnieuw samen in 'Here', een drama dat zich volledig afspeelt in de woonkamer van één huishouden (2024)


Is Forrest Gump 2 a real movie? ›

Summary. Forrest Gump 2 was never made due to a combination of factors, including a rocky development process, Tom Hanks' reluctance to make a sequel, and the September 11 terrorist attacks.

Is the Here movie about Forrest Gump? ›

No, Robert Zemeckis' Here is neither a sequel nor a prequel to Forrest Gump. It is a standalone film featuring Tom Hanks and Robin Wright in lead roles. So, the rumors about the film being a sequel or prequel to the 1994 movie appear to be false.

What is the meaning of the movie Forrest Gump? ›

The film depicts the importance of hard work without desiring anything out of it. It also teaches that, our destiny is the result of how we used the opportunities and never missed any opportunity. The characters of the film whether Forrest Gump or Lieutenant Dan, all are very inspiring and motivating.

Is Forrest Gump a true story? ›

Many fans also wonder if Forrest Gump is based on a true story since it incorporates so many real events throughout history. The short answer, however, is no. But while, Hanks' Gump is not based on one real person, the story was inspired by a few real people and significant historical events.

Why did Forrest Gump 2 Cancelled? ›

Although Groom had given Zemeckis, Hanks, and Roth his blessing to make a sequel, the three original collaborators felt that a sequel to Forrest Gump wouldn't feel respectful in the wake of 9/11.

How long did Forrest Gump run in real life? ›

Gump runs for three years, two months, 14 days and 16 hours. He crosses the United States almost five times before deciding that it's finally time to go home again. Most of us watched that scene and thought: cute. Pope watched it and thought: could that be possible?

Is there anything inappropriate in Forrest Gump? ›

Kissing/groping, women in their underwear. Lt. Dan and Forrest are seen shirtless, and adults have sex in a non-explicit scene. Characters look at a p*rnographic magazine, but no nude pictures are shown in detail.

What is the moral of the movie Forrest Gump? ›

There are six types of moral values found in the Forrest Gump Movie. They are care, fairness, liberty, authority, loyalty, and sanctity. The moral value of care appears 6 times. The moral value of fairness appears 6 times.

What mental thing did Forrest Gump have? ›

While the movie itself doesn't provide a concrete diagnosis for Forrest's condition, the character displays traits suggestive of Autism Spectrum Disorder. For example, Forrest struggles with social interaction and has trouble with sarcasm and irony.

Did Forrest Gump have autism? ›

Forrest Gump (1994)

While the film's eponymous character is never explicitly diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder, Forrest Gump's triumph over his mental and physical setbacks pays homage to individuals who struggle with any kind of intellectual, developmental, or mental disorder.

Who turned down Forrest Gump? ›

John Travolta was reportedly in consideration to play Forrest Gump in the film of the same name, but turned down the part.

What virus did Jenny have? ›

In the book that's the sequel to Forrest Gump, Gump and Co., author Winston Groom reveals that Jenny died of hepatitis C, a bloodborne illness which would probably have been the result of her intravenous drug use during her hippie years.

Was Forrest Jr. really his son? ›

Much like the rest of his life, Forrest is direct, honest, and unwaveringly kind in handling Jenny's death and Forrest Jr.'s upbringing. At the end of the day, Forrest is his son's real father (genealogy aside).

What happened to Forrest Gump's dad? ›

The novel also provides additional backstory on his father. It is revealed that his father was a longshoreman who worked for United Fruit Company. He was killed when a crate of bananas being loaded off of a boat fell on top of him, crushing him to death.

Who is the real life Jenny in Forrest Gump? ›

Hanna Hall as Young Jenny Curran

Hanna Hall was cast from an open call as the young girl who inspires Forrest to run. Hall went on to appear in Sofia Coppola's The Virgin Suicides (2000), Halloween (2007), American Cowslip (2009) and Happiness Runs (2010). In 2019, she was featured on USA Network's The Purge series.

Is Bubba Gump based on a real person? ›

No, these are fictional characters that may have been partially inspired by real people, or could be entirely imaginative. The characters of Forrest Gump and Bubba, from the 1994 film, “Forest Gunmp”, were not based on actual people.

Is the footage in Forrest Gump real? ›

If you've ever seen the movie, Forrest Gump – which if you haven't, then you must put that on your weekend to-do list as well – there are numerous CGI-induced scenes throughout the movie where Forrest meets and interacts with historical figures.

Is the house in Forrest Gump real? ›

5 Bluff Plantation, 3547 Combahee Rd, Yemassee, South Carolina . , site of the Gump boarding house and Jenny's farmhouse where she lived in as a child. Both built for the filming, and torn down as the film was completed.

Did Tom Hanks have a double in Forrest Gump? ›

Additionally, Tom's younger brother Jim Hanks is his acting double in the movie for the scenes when Forrest runs across the U.S. Tom's daughter Elizabeth Hanks appears in the movie as the girl on the school bus who refuses to let young Forrest sit next to her.


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