Dropbox Phishing Scams and Malware E-Mails – How to Remove and Stop Them (2024)

Home > Scam > Dropbox Phishing Scams and Malware E-Mails – How to Remove and Stop Them

by Ventsislav Krastev | Last Update: |0 Comments

This article has been created in order to help you by explaining what are exactly Dropbox phishing e-mails and how you can block them completely from your computer.

New form of e-mail spam messages has been identified, connected with messages which resemble different reputable companies. One of those companies is Dropbox which is often involved in phishing e-mails that use it’s name to get victims to click on suspicious e-mails in order to become infected via Dropbox malware. In addition to this, the Dropbox e-mails may not all be fake, and most of those may also lead you to the actual Dropbox website where most victims usually download infection files of different malware. In this article we will explain more about how to Identify original from fake Dropbox e-mails and learn how to block the fake ones directly on your e-mail address.

On this page:

Threat SummaryHow to Identify Phishing E-mail Scams Spam by DropboxHow to Identify Malicious E-mails Related to DropboxHow to Block Dropbox and Other Spam, Scamming and Phishing E-MailsHow to Remove Malware, Compromised Your PC Via Dropbox or Other Phishing E-mails

Dropbox Phishing Scams and Malware E-Mails – How to Remove and Stop Them (2)

Threat Summary

NameDropbox Malware
TypeDropbox E-mail Threats
Short DescriptionAims to phish for information by leading the victim to fake websites or directly infect computers with malware via JavaScript or infection files.
SymptomsE-mails from Dropbox which do not lead to the actual Dropbox domain or cause browser redirects or downloaded files.
Distribution MethodSpam Emails, Email Attachments, Executable files, JavaScript
Detection ToolSee If Your System Has Been Affected by malwareDownload Malware Removal Tool
User ExperienceJoin Our Forum to Discuss Dropbox Malware.

July 2020 New Dropbox Phishing Scam Campaign

Dropbox phishing scams continue on even in July 2020 when a new campaign has been detected by security experts. This is a bulk campaign that targets all Internet users — both existing customers and prospective users can receive the messages.

The phishing messages can also be delivered via websites, they can be of several major types:

  • Phishing Landing Pages — When they are clicked on the visitors will be redirected to the message.
  • Browser Hijacker Pages — If browser hijackers have been installed in a web browser they will point to a specially designed page that is accessed via a special URL programmed in them.
  • Hacked Sites — Criminals can hijack legitimate sites and insert links to the notification pages.
  • Social Networks — Posts containing links can lead to the notification pages. The content can also be sent in group and private messages.

The Dropbox phishing emails will lead to a login portal page that will will prompt the users to login to the service via existing online credentials. When the victims enter in their usernames and password combinations they will be forwarded to the hacker controllers. Supported services are the following:

Gmail, AOL, Outlook, Office 365, Yahoo and other email hosting services

As always the hackers have copied the design and layout of Dropbox so that it is very difficult to differentiate a legitimate message from a fake one.

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How to Identify Phishing E-mail Scams Spam by Dropbox

Usually most of the phishing e-mails that are sent with relations to Dropbox are masked very cleverly. In one case, the user has seen an e-mail from another user David, claiming a new file has been shared with the targeted victim. The e-mail is very well designed as you see in the image below and it is in the same theme as original Dropbox e-mails appear like:

This particular user, however has checked the web link before actually clicking on it and has established that it leads to a phishing server, located in Denmark, which has nothing in relation to the actual Dropbox web page. Usually, such websites aim to phish for information like your password, username in order to login to your Dropbox account. From there, the cyber-criminals aim to enter to your e-mail by trying the same password which you have written and in case the password is the same they may also use it to remove your two-factor authentication via phone and compromise your other online accounts, such as Facebook, Instagram and even more serious ones, like PayPal, for example, which can be used to shop online in your name plus directly steal your money. This is why, it is strongly advisable to focus on checking the URLs, which are on those documents, since it may prevent a disaster waiting to happen.

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Besides phishing e-mails there is also another case with Dropbox which has concerned us over the last few months. This case involves using the Dropbox services in malspam (malicious e-mails) messages in attacks, involving malware, primarily ransomware viruses. In one such instance, the e-mail asks from victims to verify via e-mail by clicking on a confirmation link. The verification e-mail is extremely close to the original e-mails for Dropbox account activation as you can see from the comparison below:

When the victim clicks on this e-mail, a redirection immediately takes place, where a malicious JavaScript file is downloaded on the victim PC. If you see a “Jscript Script File” being downloaded, either automatically shut down your computer or stop your internet, since chances are your PC is about to be compromised almost certainly. And if the e-mails lead you to a file that is archived and you do expect a newly shared Dropbox file, we would suggest that you check the file by uploading it on an online file scanner which will check it without you having to activate the file. One such service that checks files is ZipeZip and you can use it to check any files you believe are suspicious before actually opening them.

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How to Block Dropbox and Other Spam, Scamming and Phishing E-Mails

In order to stop Dropbox and other Spam e-mail messages, the first thing you should do is download a reputable e-mail managing software, instead of using your original mail vendor online. The main reason for this is that most e-mail managers have an active blacklist which is automatically updated on a daily basis and that list in combination with the features they offer, such as image blocking until you allow it, makes it the perfect software to have when you open a dangerous e-mail, because you will be able to see it without any risk whatsoever, since some mails can even infect a computer simply by being opened. Here are some reputable e-mail software services which we recommend using:


ProtonMain represents a free and an open-source software which uses it’s custom e-mail, that is encrypted. So besides anonymous mail, based in Switzerland, you also receive the ability to work with it from any computer and even via online applications. The most important feature, realted to these e-mails is that even if attackers know your password, they have to battle with encryption to which only specific devices that you are using have access to. Really legitimate and reuptable service, however you have to create a new e-mail account as a downsite.

eM Client

Often voted the best email client which has support for range of e-mail providers, this service can surely make it so that you wont receive spam messages in the future as well.

Microsoft Outlook

Probably one of the easiest to use services for e-mail, often among companies, the Microsoft Outlook service is the most user friendly of the bunch even though it has had it’s issues over time, Microsoft has made sure that they warn you in case your account has been compromised.

Mozilla Thunderbird

Even though it has less security features than the other software here, Thunderbird is a great tool that aims to help you in a variety of situations, Thunderbird makes sure to remain as secure and as user friendly as possible while offering you fast and simple service.

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How to Remove Malware, Compromised Your PC Via Dropbox or Other Phishing E-mails

In case you have already fallen trap to the Dropbox e-mails and the risks that they carry, we would strongly suggest to take defensive measures first and to immediately change all of the web account passwords you have saved or typed on your web browser during and after the time of infection according to your best bet. Make sure you change them from a computer or a smartphone, you believe is safe. In addition to this, we also recommend that you focus following the removal instructions down below in order to remove any malware that may currently be residing on your computer. If you do not know more information about the malware infecting your PC as a result of opening a Dropbox account, experts strongly advise to use an advanced anti-malware software, since such will automatically identify and remove all malicious files and objects created by it and protect your PC against future infections too.

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Ventsislav Krastev

Ventsislav is a cybersecurity expert at SensorsTechForum since 2015. He has been researching, covering, helping victims with the latest malware infections plus testing and reviewing software and the newest tech developments. Having graduated Marketing as well, Ventsislav also has passion for learning new shifts and innovations in cybersecurity that become game changers. After studying Value Chain Management, Network Administration and Computer Administration of System Applications, he found his true calling within the cybersecrurity industry and is a strong believer in the education of every user towards online safety and security.

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Dropbox Phishing Scams and Malware E-Mails – How to Remove and Stop Them (15)

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  • Windows
  • Mac OS X
  • Google Chrome
  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Microsoft Edge
  • Safari
  • Internet Explorer
  • Stop Push Pop-ups

How to Remove Dropbox Malware from Windows.

Step 1: Scan for Dropbox Malware with SpyHunter Anti-Malware Tool

1.1 Click on the "Download" button to proceed to SpyHunter's download page.
Download Malware Removal Tool
It is recommended to run a scan before purchasing the full version of the software to make sure that the current version of the malware can be detected by SpyHunter. Click on the corresponding links to check SpyHunter's EULA, Privacy Policy and Threat Assessment Criteria.
1.2 After you have installed SpyHunter, wait for it to update automatically.

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1.3 After the update process has finished, click on the 'Malware/PC Scan' tab. A new window will appear. Click on 'Start Scan'.

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1.4 After SpyHunter has finished scanning your PC for any files of the associated threat and found them, you can try to get them removed automatically and permanently by clicking on the 'Next' button.

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If any threats have been removed, it is highly recommended to restart your PC.

Step 2: Boot Your PC In Safe Mode

2.1 Hold Windows key + R

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2.2 The "Run" Window will appear. In it, type "msconfig" and click OK.
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2.3 Go to the "Boot" tab. There select "Safe Boot" and then click "Apply" and "OK".

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Tip: Make sure to reverse those changes by unticking Safe Boot after that, because your system will always boot in Safe Boot from now on.
2.4 When prompted, click on "Restart" to go into Safe Mode.
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2.5 You can recognise Safe Mode by the words written on the corners of your screen.
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Step 3: Uninstall Dropbox Malware and related software from Windows

Uninstall Steps for Windows 11

1 Go to the search bar and type "Add or Remove Programs" and then click it.

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2 Locate the software that you want to uninstall click on the three dots and click "Uninstall" to begin the process.

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3 Follow the uninstall steps until the software has been effectively removed from your computer

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Uninstall Steps for Windows 10 and Older Versions

Here is a method in few easy steps that should be able to uninstall most programs. No matter if you are using Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista or XP, those steps will get the job done. Dragging the program or its folder to the recycle bin can be a very bad decision. If you do that, bits and pieces of the program are left behind, and that can lead to unstable work of your PC, errors with the file type associations and other unpleasant activities. The proper way to get a program off your computer is to Uninstall it.

1 Hold the Windows Logo Button and "R" on your keyboard. A Pop-up window will appear.

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2 In the field type in "appwiz.cpl" and press ENTER.

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3 This will open a window with all the programs installed on the PC. Select the program that you want to remove, and press "Uninstall"
Dropbox Phishing Scams and Malware E-Mails – How to Remove and Stop Them (29)Follow the instructions above and you will successfully uninstall most programs.

Step 4: Clean Any registries, Created by Dropbox Malware on Your PC.

The usually targeted registries of Windows machines are the following:

  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run
  • HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run
  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce
  • HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce

You can access them by opening the Windows registry editor and deleting any values, created by Dropbox Malware there. This can happen by following the steps underneath:

4.1 Open the Run Window again, type "regedit" and click OK.
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4.2 When you open it, you can freely navigate to the Run and RunOnce keys, whose locations are shown above.

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4.3 You can remove the value of the virus by right-clicking on it and removing it.

Dropbox Phishing Scams and Malware E-Mails – How to Remove and Stop Them (32) Tip: To find a virus-created value, you can right-click on it and click "Modify" to see which file it is set to run. If this is the virus file location, remove the value.

Video Removal Guide for Dropbox Malware (Windows).

Get rid of Dropbox Malware from Mac OS X.

Step 1: Uninstall Dropbox Malware and remove related files and objects

1.1 Hit the ⇧+⌘+U keys to open Utilities. Another way is to click on “Go” and then click “Utilities”, like the image below shows:
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1.2 Find Activity Monitor and double-click it:

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1.3 In the Activity Monitor look for any suspicious processes, belonging or related to Dropbox Malware:

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Tip: To quit a process completely, choose the “Force Quit” option.

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1.4 Click on the "Go" button again, but this time select Applications. Another way is with the ⇧+⌘+A buttons.
1.5 In the Applications menu, look for any suspicious app or an app with a name, similar or identical to Dropbox Malware. If you find it, right-click on the app and select “Move to Trash”.

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1.6 Select Accounts, after which click on the Login Items preference.

Your Mac will then show you a list of items that start automatically when you log in. Look for any suspicious apps identical or similar to Dropbox Malware. Check the app you want to stop from running automatically and then select on the Minus (“-“) icon to hide it.

1.7 Remove any left-over files that might be related to this threat manually by following the sub-steps below:
  • Go to Finder.
  • In the search bar type the name of the app that you want to remove.
  • Above the search bar change the two drop down menus to “System Files” and “Are Included” so that you can see all of the files associated with the application you want to remove. Bear in mind that some of the files may not be related to the app so be very careful which files you delete.
  • If all of the files are related, hold the ⌘+A buttons to select them and then drive them to “Trash”.

In case you cannot remove Dropbox Malware via Step 1 above:

In case you cannot find the virus files and objects in your Applications or other places we have shown above, you can manually look for them in the Libraries of your Mac. But before doing this, please read the disclaimer below:

Disclaimer! If you are about to tamper with Library files on Mac, be sure to know the name of the virus file, because if you delete the wrong file, it may cause irreversible damage to your MacOS. Continue on your own responsibility!

1: Click on "Go" and Then "Go to Folder" as shown underneath:

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2: Type in "/Library/LauchAgents/" and click Ok:

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3: Delete all of the virus files that have similar or the same name as Dropbox Malware. If you believe there is no such file, do not delete anything.

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You can repeat the same procedure with the following other Library directories:

→ ~/Library/LaunchAgents

Tip: ~ is there on purpose, because it leads to more LaunchAgents.

Step 2: Scan for and remove Dropbox Malware files from your Mac

When you are facing problems on your Mac as a result of unwanted scripts and programs such as Dropbox Malware, the recommended way of eliminating the threat is by using an anti-malware program. SpyHunter for Mac offers advanced security features along with other modules that will improve your Mac’s security and protect it in the future.

Click the button below below to download SpyHunter for Mac and scan for Dropbox Malware:

DownloadSpyHunter for Mac

Video Removal Guide for Dropbox Malware (Mac)

Remove Dropbox Malware from Google Chrome.

Step 1: Start Google Chrome and open the drop menu

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Step 2: Move the cursor over "Tools" and then from the extended menu choose "Extensions"

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Step 3: From the opened "Extensions" menu locate the unwanted extension and click on its "Remove" button.

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Step 4: After the extension is removed, restart Google Chrome by closing it from the red "X" button at the top right corner and start it again.

Erase Dropbox Malware from Mozilla Firefox.

Step 1: Start Mozilla Firefox. Open the menu window:

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Step 2: Select the "Add-ons" icon from the menu.

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Step 3: Select the unwanted extension and click "Remove"

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Step 4: After the extension is removed, restart Mozilla Firefox by closing it from the red "X" button at the top right corner and start it again.

Uninstall Dropbox Malware from Microsoft Edge.

Step 1: Start Edge browser.

Step 2: Open the drop menu by clicking on the icon at the top right corner.

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Step 3: From the drop menu select "Extensions".

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Step 4: Choose the suspected malicious extension you want to remove and then click on the gear icon.

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Step 5: Remove the malicious extension by scrolling down and then clicking on Uninstall.

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Remove Dropbox Malware from Safari

Step 1: Start the Safari app.

Step 2: After hovering your mouse cursor to the top of the screen, click on the Safari text to open its drop down menu.

Step 3: From the menu, click on "Preferences".

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Step 4: After that, select the 'Extensions' Tab.

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Step 5: Click once on the extension you want to remove.

Step 6: Click 'Uninstall'.

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A pop-up window will appear asking for confirmation to uninstall the extension. Select 'Uninstall' again, and the Dropbox Malware will be removed.

How to Reset Safari
IMPORTANT: Before resetting Safari make sure you back up all your saved passwords within the browser in case you forget them.
Start Safari and then click on the gear leaver icon.
Click the Reset Safari button and you will reset the browser.

Eliminate Dropbox Malware from Internet Explorer.

Step 1: Start Internet Explorer.

Step 2: Click on the gear icon labeled 'Tools' to open the drop menu and select 'Manage Add-ons'

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Step 3: In the 'Manage Add-ons' window.
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Step 4: Select the extension you want to remove and then click 'Disable'. A pop-up window will appear to inform you that you are about to disable the selected extension, and some more add-ons might be disabled as well. Leave all the boxes checked, and click 'Disable'.

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Step 5: After the unwanted extension has been removed, restart Internet Explorer by closing it from the red 'X' button located at the top right corner and start it again.

Remove Push Notifications from Your Browsers

Turn Off Push Notifications from Google Chrome

To disable any Push Notices from Google Chrome browser, please follow the steps below:

Step 1: Go to Settings in Chrome.

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Step 2: In Settings, select “Advanced Settings”:

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Step 3: Click “Content Settings”:

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Step 4: Open “Notifications”:

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Step 5: Click the three dots and choose Block, Edit or Remove options:

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Remove Push Notifications on Firefox

Step 1: Go to Firefox Options.

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Step 2: Go to “Settings”, type “notifications” in the search bar and click "Settings":

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Step 3: Click “Remove” on any site you wish notifications gone and click “Save Changes”

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Stop Push Notifications on Opera

Step 1: In Opera, press ALT+P to go to Settings.

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Step 2: In Setting search, type “Content” to go to Content Settings.

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Step 3: Open Notifications:

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Step 4: Do the same as you did with Google Chrome (explained below):

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Eliminate Push Notifications on Safari

Step 1: Open Safari Preferences.

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Step 2: Choose the domain from where you like push pop-ups gone and change to "Deny" from "Allow".

Dropbox Malware-FAQ

What Is Dropbox Malware?

The Dropbox Malware threat is adware or browser redirect virus.

It may slow your computer down significantly and display advertisem*nts. The main idea is for your information to likely get stolen or more ads to appear on your device.

The creators of such unwanted apps work with pay-per-click schemes to get your computer to visit risky or different types of websites that may generate them funds. This is why they do not even care what types of websites show up on the ads. This makes their unwanted software indirectly risky for your OS.

What Are the Symptoms of Dropbox Malware?

There are several symptoms to look for when this particular threat and also unwanted apps in general are active:

Symptom #1: Your computer may become slow and have poor performance in general.

Symptom #2: You have toolbars, add-ons or extensions on your web browsers that you don't remember adding.

Symptom #3: You see all types of ads, like ad-supported search results, pop-ups and redirects to randomly appear.

Symptom #4: You see installed apps on your Mac running automatically and you do not remember installing them.

Symptom #5: You see suspicious processes running in your Task Manager.

If you see one or more of those symptoms, then security experts recommend that you check your computer for viruses.

What Types of Unwanted Programs Are There?

According to most malware researchers and cyber-security experts, the threats that can currently affect your device can be rogue antivirus software, adware, browser hijackers, clickers, fake optimizers and any forms of PUPs.

What to Do If I Have a "virus" like Dropbox Malware?

With few simple actions. First and foremost, it is imperative that you follow these steps:

Step 1: Find a safe computer and connect it to another network, not the one that your Mac was infected in.

Step 2: Change all of your passwords, starting from your email passwords.

Step 3: Enable two-factor authentication for protection of your important accounts.

Step 4: Call your bank to change your credit card details (secret code, etc.) if you have saved your credit card for online shopping or have done online activities with your card.

Step 5: Make sure to call your ISP (Internet provider or carrier) and ask them to change your IP address.

Step 6: Change your Wi-Fi password.

Step 7: (Optional): Make sure to scan all of the devices connected to your network for viruses and repeat these steps for them if they are affected.

Step 8: Install anti-malware software with real-time protection on every device you have.

Step 9: Try not to download software from sites you know nothing about and stay away from low-reputation websites in general.

If you follow these recommendations, your network and all devices will become significantly more secure against any threats or information invasive software and be virus free and protected in the future too.

How Does Dropbox Malware Work?

Once installed, Dropbox Malware can collect data using trackers. This data is about your web browsing habits, such as the websites you visit and the search terms you use. It is then used to target you with ads or to sell your information to third parties.

Dropbox Malware can also download other malicious software onto your computer, such as viruses and spyware, which can be used to steal your personal information and show risky ads, that may redirect to virus sites or scams.

Is Dropbox Malware Malware?

The truth is that PUPs (adware, browser hijackers) are not viruses, but may be just as dangerous since they may show you and redirect you to malware websites and scam pages.

Many security experts classify potentially unwanted programs as malware. This is because of the unwanted effects that PUPs can cause, such as displaying intrusive ads and collecting user data without the user’s knowledge or consent.

About the Dropbox Malware Research

The content we publish on SensorsTechForum.com, this Dropbox Malware how-to removal guide included, is the outcome of extensive research, hard work and our team’s devotion to help you remove the specific, adware-related problem, and restore your browser and computer system.

How did we conduct the research on Dropbox Malware?

Please note that our research is based on independent investigation. We are in contact with independent security researchers, thanks to which we receive daily updates on the latest malware, adware, and browser hijacker definitions.
Furthermore, the research behind the Dropbox Malware threat is backed with VirusTotal.
To better understand this online threat, please refer to the following articles which provide knowledgeable details.

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Dropbox Phishing Scams and Malware E-Mails – How to Remove and Stop Them (2024)


How do I stop getting emails from Dropbox? ›

To change your email notification settings:
  1. Log in to dropbox.com.
  2. Click the avatar at the top of any page.
  3. Click Settings.
  4. Click Notifications.
  5. Check or uncheck the boxes next to the email notifications you'd like to change.
Nov 2, 2023

Why do I keep getting emails from Dropbox? ›

If Dropbox detects a suspicious login attempt, we'll send a one-time security code to the email address associated with your Dropbox account as an additional security step. Important: If you receive an email that seems like it's from Dropbox and you're unsure if it's safe, you can check our official domains here.

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Email Filtering: Many of the common phishing techniques, such as malicious links and lookalike email addresses can be detected by the software. An email filtering solution can identify phishing emails based on these warning signs and block them from reaching the intended recipient's inbox.

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We've received noticed that there may be several scam emails circulating in which scammers are sending Dropbox links via email with the eventual goal of getting wire transfers for settlement funds. Reminder: Never click on suspicious links sent to you via email.

How do I remove an email address from Dropbox? ›

To remove a secondary email from your Dropbox account:
  1. Log in to dropbox.com.
  2. Click your avatar (profile picture or initials) in the upper-right corner.
  3. Click Settings.
  4. In the General tab, scroll down to Secondary emails.
  5. Click Edit.
  6. Click Delete next to the secondary email you'd like to remove.
Aug 30, 2024

Why do I keep getting messages that my Dropbox is full? ›

If your account exceeds the free storage limit for Dropbox Basic, we'll notify you through multiple emails in advance. We'll begin by deleting your most recent files to bring your account within the limit, working backward. Only files you own will be removed.

What happens when you unsubscribe from Dropbox? ›

If you cancel your Dropbox subscription or trial or your subscription expires, your account will downgrade to a Dropbox Basic (free) account at the end of your billing cycle or trial. Additionally: You'll still have access to all of your files and folders.

How do I get Dropbox to stop popping up? ›

An Alternative Method for Windows PCs

To open Task Manager, right-click on the taskbar and select "Task Manager." In Task Manager, click the "Startup" tab. Select "Dropbox" from the list of applications, then click the "Disable" button.

How do I permanently delete phishing emails? ›

  1. Check the box next to the email.
  2. Click on the shield in the above menu.
  3. Click the Report Spam option.
  4. Navigate to the spam folder.
  5. Click the Delete Emails option.

Should you just delete phishing emails? ›

If you receive any unwanted email, the best approach in almost every case is to delete it immediately. It is often clear from the Subject line that a message is junk, so you may not even need to open the message to read it. Some such messages invite you to reply if you want to be removed from their list.

How do I remove my email from phishing lists? ›


This is the primary step you must take in order to stop receiving spam emails from a sender. This action will ultimately remove your email address from the sender's mailing list. The unsubscribe link is usually placed at the end of the email.

What is the Dropbox phishing email 2024? ›

Initial infection. On January 25, 2024, Darktrace / EMAIL observed an internal user on a customer's SaaS environment receiving an inbound email from 'no-reply@dropbox[.]com', a legitimate email address used by the Dropbox file storage service. Around the same time 15 other employees also received the same email.

How to tell if a Dropbox email is real? ›

How to tell if an email or website is officially Dropbox. Official Dropbox websites and emails will only appear on or come from any of our verified Dropbox domains (such as dropbox.com or dropboxmail.com). To view an email's full headers in Gmail: While viewing the email, click “…” (More) in the upper right corner.

Can I be hacked through Dropbox? ›

Upon further investigation, we discovered that a threat actor had accessed data including Dropbox Sign customer information such as email addresses, user names, phone numbers and hashed passwords, in addition to general account settings and certain authentication information such as API keys, OAuth tokens, and multi- ...

How do I turn off Dropbox notifications? ›

Open your Dropbox desktop app preferences. Click the Notifications tab. Check or uncheck the boxes under Notify me about to choose which notifications you'll receive.


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Author: Neely Ledner

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Name: Neely Ledner

Birthday: 1998-06-09

Address: 443 Barrows Terrace, New Jodyberg, CO 57462-5329

Phone: +2433516856029

Job: Central Legal Facilitator

Hobby: Backpacking, Jogging, Magic, Driving, Macrame, Embroidery, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.